My Habbit | Teen Ink

My Habbit

February 9, 2010
By Anonymous

This is a real person talking.
Well here I go.....
I need to talk to some one about this.
I have this Habbit. Ok that might not sound bad to you or it might not, but to me it is, because I've had it my whole life.
I suck my thumb.
Well there you have it, and it dose suck!
Some times I hate mysalf for it.
I stand in the mirror and find things I like about myself, and tell myself, I love myself.
But sometimes I get so mad at myself.
I do love myself but not all the time.
I'm 18 just so you know.
And yeah I'm glad it's not drugs, but sometimes I wish it were.
I get so furriuos thinking what if some one in my family tells some one. (which some one has, my little brother.)
Or that I'll never have a boy friend. Thats the worst. Some times it hurts so bad I've siriuosly thought about cutting my thumb off. (but I'd never really do that.)
I'm learning to love myself though.
I've started to change my hand writeing, which is very helpful, and transformative.
Try it some time.
I don't know if anyone can relate to this, but I gave it a shot.
(mostly for my benifit.)
It helps me to relieve myself through writeing.
Well thank you for listening:)

The author's comments:
This is a true story.

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