Rocky Ocean | Teen Ink

Rocky Ocean

April 1, 2010
By Samantha Burg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Samantha Burg SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hair can be wavy, curly, straight, short, crimped, long, etc. any way you want to wear your hair. In my family our hair is unlike each others. My swirling, swaying, soaring hair is full of waves, a rocky ocean, calm or erupting out of control. My mom’s hair radiates with different colors shown by the sun. Danielle, my little sister, changes her hair color depending on her mood; she wears it dark, light, or full of color. Every time I see my half-sister her hair changes like her emotions, full of drama, and hiding the inner beast. My dad’s hair is dark and thinning at the top just like his appearance at home. Our hair changes throughout time, its length, style, or color, but it will always be our hair which unites us all together.

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