Trying to fly but my wings are too short | Teen Ink

Trying to fly but my wings are too short

June 5, 2010
By DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Dear you,
Well, the first mistake I made was actually telling you I liked you. Yeah, crazy, right? You didn't need to hear that from me, not at the time, and I didn't need to hear your rejection. But, hey, I thought it was wise to get it off my chest. My mistake. All of a sudden, we're sharing love-lives, and you like someone else. When did this happen? Oh well, I suppose I believe you, since you look at her every time she passes by. Respectful, right? But, hey, no worries, it was my mistake. You're still my best friend. You're still the greatest guy in the world. And I still love you. Maybe THAT was my first mistake?

Dear you,
Thank you for talking to me the first day of school, but I don't need your charity case anymore. I have friends, and you're not one of them. You have your own. Frankly, we're not really in the same social circles, and a lot of people don't like you. I won't say that to your face, but a lot of people would. And, no, my getting a higher grade average than you was not a mistake. Neither does it mean I'm smarter than you or the other way around. I'm just me, and I did better than you. Face it. I don't need to hear your life story anymore. I'm not your psychiatrist. Goodbye.

Dear you,
I think at one point I liked you. Not an emotional thing, a physical thing. You were cute, you were funny, you were cool. But we never talked, we never spoke to each other, and we barely even nodded at each other when we passed. That was at the beginning. Now that we've shared a class period and there was no one for you to talk to, I've found out more about you, and we're somewhat friends, I guess. I'd like to say that you think as deeply of our relationship as I do, but that's not true, and never will be. But that's life. Now, though, that I've found out what you've been hiding, I'm torn. I care about you, surely you must know, but...what do I do now?

Dear you,
You're the only one who has not betrayed me in some way, shape, or form. You're my best friend, my soul sister, and I love you. I hope it stays that way. Never mind that you hate my other best friend, and he hates you. That's alright. I hope there is never a choice between the two of you, because if there were, I would probably choose him. Then he would blow me off and I would come to you. I'm probably not the best of friends to you, but you are to me. That's why that'll never happen. I hope you understand. You're my best friend. All this other crud about life will bounce off.


The author's comments:
My friends, or past friends, or I don't know. What I won't say to your face.

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This article has 8 comments.

on Jun. 14 2010 at 7:58 pm
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

(I suppose I'll keep it up....)


Dear you who replied to this,'re welcome.  Hehe, I wasn't really expecting you to read this but I'm glad you did, though that makes it awkward...anyway, thanks for answering my question, but we both know that although there is nothing I CAN do, I will continue to try and talk and persuade you.  That's just me...I can't stop what I believe, as I'm sure you can't.  But thank you, nonetheless, that means a lot to me that you would care. :)




on Jun. 14 2010 at 4:38 pm
Karma_Chameleon SILVER, English, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 236 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be able to say "I love you" one must first be able to say "I" - Ayn Rand

Dear You [author],

Thank you, both for sharing this, and for saying such kind things.  I appreciate that you feel such kind things for me, even though I probably am not kind enough to warrant them.  As for what you should do now that you know what I hide, nothing.  I am fine, truly, I am, and nothing can change this characteristic of me anyway.  It is possible to ignore, I suppose, but why would I tell others there is nothing to fear about being true to themselves, if I in turn was pretending to be what I am not.  I know you are worried, but I promise you, I am quite all right.  I am, however, very grateful for your concern, and it moves me greatly.

on Jun. 12 2010 at 8:01 pm
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Well, that was the point, to express my emotions, not sugarcoating anything, lay it all down for them, if they ever decided to ever read it.  I'm kind of worried, though, cause to of these friends are on Teen Ink and they know who I am (you know who one is, too).  But, that's what it's for.  Thank you for your comment!

-Emie- SILVER said...
on Jun. 12 2010 at 3:22 pm
-Emie- SILVER, Wayland, Massachusetts
8 articles 0 photos 171 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well-behaved women seldom make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." - G.K. Chesterton

Hmm... this is very interesting. It's very heartfelt and I can feel the emotion. I understand some of it, I think, but I haven't much been in some of the situations. I love how it's written. Good job, great emotion.

on Jun. 8 2010 at 11:37 am
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Well, I doubt he'll look this far into the Teen Ink thing, and niether will the other person who's on here, though if he does, it's nothing I haven't already told him.  The things I put about the first guy are things I wished I could tell him out loud but they just never came out, so he can read it now and know exactly how I feel...though I don't know how the outcome is.

on Jun. 7 2010 at 10:50 pm
christianjedi, Roundup, Montana
0 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir your blood.

I was slightly surprised because these are rather personal thoughts.  Like you said, the other guy is on this site now.  Is what you wrote something you want him to see?  Or any of the other "you's" for that matter.  I'm not saying it was a bad idea; in fact I've thought about doing similar things.  It just could be a slightly precarious situation is all.

on Jun. 7 2010 at 10:40 pm
DreamWriter17 PLATINUM, Marengo, Indiana
34 articles 1 photo 682 comments

Favorite Quote:
learn from your past to live for the future.

Thanks, though I don't know why you would be surprised I posted this on a website...

And, yeah, that is the guy (and he's on here now so I'm kinda scared)

on Jun. 7 2010 at 10:07 pm
christianjedi, Roundup, Montana
0 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir your blood.

Very interesting.  I can't critique much because this is you; this is your heart.  I guess that I'm a little surprised you actually posted it on a website.  Nice writing though; very emotional.

Just out of curiousity, is the first "you" the guy you mentioned in the forums when we first started talking?