SUPRISE! | Teen Ink


October 3, 2011
By dancer5 BRONZE, Keansburg, New Jersey
dancer5 BRONZE, Keansburg, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
My favorite quote is...
"Love everyone,Trust a few, Do wrong to none...William Shakespeare

Okay..So About a month ago my dad got into a motorcycle accident. A couple days before I was able to see him for a weekend he texted my brother, and told my brother not to tell me because he didn't want me to worry while stressing over school. So the weekend came and i saw his broken shoulder and his cuts. I never would of thought i would have to take care of my dad when he's still so young. I had to put his cloths on except his underwear (that's nasty.) I couldn't look at him without crying. I live with my mom but I feel like my dad's the only parent that I can trust that doesn't blame me for everything and anything that he can possibly imagine blame me for. He treats me and my brother equally, unlike my mom.....

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