"Mask" | Teen Ink


November 9, 2011
By Div13 BRONZE, Margao, Other
Div13 BRONZE, Margao, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the stars, cause if you miss it... you'll and on the moon."

Who am I? Yes, I maybe that bubbly girl, who talks nineteen to the dozen,who can whip up the most awesome-st desserts,and who can laugh with you all through the night or party hard or maybe bail you out when you need it. But who is that girl? You think that's me.. But that is just clearly the surface- what your suppose to see.
I wear a mask, the world is such that i am controlled by fear-it rules me.. What you see is nothing of who I am. Inside there is turmoil and conflict anger and pain, a lost identity looking for acceptance.. a nobody in this big world. I just keep silent and go with the flow. i follow blindly, a reserve on t sidelines..
My friends are not really my friends, they are acquaintances, no one knows who i really am.. they just know what I show them I am...
I wear a mask...

The author's comments:
Who are we, Really?

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