Christmas Eve | Teen Ink

Christmas Eve

January 7, 2012
By Maddie Durbin BRONZE, Springboro, Ohio
Maddie Durbin BRONZE, Springboro, Ohio
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It is that time of year again! Parents rush out to buy last-minute gifts, snow flurries form a downy fluff on every windowsill, and jolly Santa’s “Ho, ho, ho!” echoes throughout every mall. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Through my eyes, the eyes of a child for whom Santa and his nine reindeer are very real, it is even more magical. Every year, my family and I spend the days prior to Christmas preparing for Santa’s arrival and the magical day awaiting us.

This Christmas Eve, I am very concerned about what Santa will eat when he stops at my house. He will work very hard tonight and fly to every house in the entire world. This year, I help my mom make dairy-free oatmeal cookies for Santa. The cookies must be dairy-free because I am allergic to dairy. I also put out cold vanilla rice milk for Santa to drink with his cookies. I also have plain, uncooked oatmeal and raw carrots ready for the reindeer, because my parents say the reindeer like these. My sister and I go outside into the chilly weather and scatter the loose oatmeal onto our snow-covered porch. This way the reindeer can have a snack during their grueling task of delivering presents for good boys and girls. When I am finished scattering the oatmeal, I go inside and get warm. I know that Santa will smile when he sees the treats my family and I have left for him.

After my family prepares food for Santa and his reindeer, we begin preparations for ourselves. My dad hangs up beautiful stockings my grandmother made us. They have our names embroidered on them, and each one is a different color. My dad’s is royal blue, my mom’s is forest green, my sister’s is bright red and my stocking is deep burgundy. He ties them on the railing that encloses the staircase with red and gold cord. When the stockings are hung, my sister and I lay out the presents we have for each other and our parents and set them under the heavily decorated Christmas tree. The small stack of gifts looks pitifully small underneath the six foot tall tree. Then my mom brings out the essential Santa key. The key is made of pewter, with Santa’s smiling face at the top of the key. The hole at the very top is threaded with a loop of festive red ribbon. I go to the door and hang the key on the outside handle, so that Santa will be able to deliver his presents to us, even though we don’t have a chimney. Finally, all that is left to do is go to bed and fall asleep.

Christmas Eve is the night where every little child has trouble falling asleep due to anticipation. I am no different. I know I will not fall asleep for a while, even though I try really hard. Eventually, I give up and just lie in my bed and listen for hooves clattering on the roof, the tell-tale sign that Santa is here. I decide to get up and look down from the second floor of my house to see if the stockings are filled yet. I climb out of my bed, go to the door, and pull it open. I peer over the railing, but it is too dark for me to tell if they are full or not. Disappointed, I trudge back to my bed and lie down. Finally, after another long hour, I drift off into a deep sleep.

Christmas is my favorite holiday and it always will be. I love the magic of this time of year, especially through a child’s eyes. Everyone seems to be in a better mood when Christmas is just around the corner. I hope that I never get too old to appreciate the magic of the season. Santa’s Christmas Eve wish “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night” is the perfect wish of peace, joy, and happiness to the world. It is also my wish for everyone during this enchanted season.

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