Believe In Yourself | Teen Ink

Believe In Yourself

May 17, 2012
By neongirl16 BRONZE, Mosca, Colorado
neongirl16 BRONZE, Mosca, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

If I could change one aspect of myself it would be that I don’t have enough self-confidence. I’ve always had a hard time believing in myself and my abilities. Everyone around me always says that I can do whatever I want, but I haven’t been able to believe in myself or what they were saying.
One day I was preparing myself for a big competition, but I kept telling myself that I wouldn’t be able to win, no matter how hard I tried. My parents kept telling me that I would be fine, but nothing could convince me of that. When I finally arrived at Adams State College I was so freaked out that I couldn’t even talk to my parents or my other family. I sat there, with my instrument in my lap, waiting for my name to be called. I heard my name and I walked into the room where the judges waited for me to play. My heart was racing and I couldn’t stop shaking. When I was finished playing I was so relived to be out of that room. When the results were posted I was not expecting to have done well, but I actually did really well. That just goes to show you that you never know what will happen in a situation.
If I had more self-confidence I would be able to show people what I’m capable of accomplishing. I wouldn’t be afraid to stand up in front of a crowd or give a speech. I would take more risks, not fearing the outcome. Having more self-confidence would allow me to better myself, and the people around me. I would be able to show everyone that I’m not just someone people can push around. I would be able to stand up for myself, or for people in need.
Wayne Gretzky once said, “100% of the shots you don’t take don’t go in.” There are a few ways that I could change my self-confidence. First, I would be able to step out of my comfort zone, but I would start out with little changes. Next, I could join more clubs, which would help me in meeting more people and becoming more comfortable with different people and being able to talk strangers. If I had more self-confidence I would be able to stand up in front of a crowd without the fear embarrassing myself. I would feel more compelled to help people in need. I would be able to accomplish tasks that I set my mind on. Thomas Carlyle once said that “Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.”

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