Nothing | Teen Ink


June 5, 2012
By romaellie BRONZE, S. Jordan, Utah
romaellie BRONZE, S. Jordan, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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?- annonymous

Have you ever heard the sound of nothing? It’s is a hollow vibration, it is silent but creates booming ripples of habit and useless thought. It creates the deepest feeling of contentment and feeds the essence of helplessness . There is no passion in nothing, it does not create ideas nor does it change humanity. Instead it lurks in the shadows waiting for you to shine a light on it and once you do it is almost impossible to turn back. Nothing ruins relationships, it separates all emotion for the soul leaving it to find something else to cradle itself in. it traps all reason and logic and corners creativity scarring it into self repression. In nothing you find a love for things, not a love for humanity or life, for to love like that would be to hear something and something destroys nothing. So nothing creates things, things that not only cost a ridiculous amount of money but also a ridiculous amount of your being. You talk about things and people when you feel of nothing. You talk about things that create only temporary happiness and compromise all ability to please anybody but yourself. You do not talk about ideas or meditation, there is no promising future, no sound of opinion or opposition. There in no silence in nothing, no personal escape to contemplate and asses nor is there any outlet of creativity, no place to be free and away from all judgments. Nothing paints a mask on problems you think are gone. They create illusions and mirages that you dismiss for the possibility of it’s reality. Sometimes you reach out to touch that illusion and right when you touch that something your mind retaliates back into where it feels most comfortable

I see nothing every day. I awake every passion and care in my body to fight against it but sometimes my efforts are unsuccessful and I my body shakes in tears and frustration. I find sorrow and pity for those who are trapped on that never ending escalator ride down.

The scariest thing I ever did was feel nothing.

And you wonder why living feels more complicated then it should be, perhaps nothing has ruined that for you too

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