Thirteen Year-Old Girl | Teen Ink

Thirteen Year-Old Girl

June 8, 2012
By Anonymous

Rainbows aren't made out of drying water or the birds flying, it isn't a symbol of gay pride or signs that dark clouds have to hide, it doesn't mean rain has gone so the sun must be born, they don't find the meaning in coming between two clouds. When the little girl speaks out loud you can barely hear the sound, a tone such a soft one of her own. She smiles after every word, and after every word heard you stare, stare because what you are hearing can't be true you aren't really hearing the words she speaks so you wait, wait till the stories are done and the guy next to you wipes the rainbows from his face. You heard the story of a 13 year-old girl that couldn't be true between the bruises and noises of rotten and sin you finally realize its real and she wrote this within herself, screaming it out to the word she stands her hands tremble of embarrassment and wisdom to wise for the age not realizing the maze shes been through, to her shes stating facts back to back but to us we hear stories and struggles, trouble of a 13 year-old girl lost and searching early for herself in this world, but slow down, slow down, babbling away until she heard a voice finally say slow down please 13 year-old girl who's lost in this world slow down, a rainbow doesn't comes after a gloomy day. A rainbow is for following the path, being number one in your class, liking the smell of gas and burning away all the fear, to warn you, show you the sign that "hope is here". Rainbows are really for reaching the other side watching your mom cry when you bump into the pot of gold at the end. Rainbows.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 3 2012 at 9:00 pm
VianiIdalysxo SILVER, Atlantic City, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The things you do when no one is looking is what defines you."
"Without bitter, sweet isn't so sweet after all."

thank you, will do :) 

on Jul. 20 2012 at 9:40 pm
wind_andthe_rainy PLATINUM, San Francisco, California
25 articles 0 photos 11 comments
You have the gift of words. Please keep writing