Dear Azure | Teen Ink

Dear Azure

August 11, 2012
By Ceruleanblue SILVER, Andover, Massachusetts
Ceruleanblue SILVER, Andover, Massachusetts
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Azure,

The thing is, I feel like I’m bothering you. You never tell me “hey” first. I always have to be the one to initiate the conversation. It makes me feel insecure, even if you always answer with lots of enthusiasm. It makes me feel insecure because I’m always the one to say “hey” first.

And, well, I like you. You know that from the time I told you? Remember that awkward confrontation? Yeah, I do too. I’m sure you think nothing of it. I’m the girl “who said she liked you”. The girl “who is a few months older than you”.

Even if your friends tell me that you like me, I won’t believe it. I need you to say it if those three words will ever mean anything.

I’m certain this will fade come fall. But while it lasts, I want to stay in touch for as long as possible. I want to dream of what could’ve happened. I want to dream of all the things you could have told me, of all the things I could have told you. Of all the moments that could have happened.

And, well?

I want to dream of what we could have been.

And, just to be cheesy, and a good friend, I shall end with a quote. To be specific, from a book I’ve been meaning to read for a while now.

“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.”



The author's comments:
Just me being some love-sick teenage girl. :)

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This article has 2 comments.

azurelove GOLD said...
on May. 12 2015 at 1:10 pm
azurelove GOLD, Columbus, Ohio
18 articles 3 photos 21 comments
@ansem_unlimited wat do you think about this one?

azurelove GOLD said...
on Mar. 3 2015 at 1:11 pm
azurelove GOLD, Columbus, Ohio
18 articles 3 photos 21 comments
ha i love this ill pretend its to me :)