The Unusual Wedding | Teen Ink

The Unusual Wedding

November 15, 2012
By Herbie17 BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
Herbie17 BRONZE, Horsham, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” my sister and I screamed at the top of our lungs, as we professionally walked into the rounded room with a glowing floor, in the haunted house, in New York. I was at one of the most unusual weddings ever. This wedding was for my dad’s cousin, Chuck. Chuck was getting married to Roy. Yes, you heard me right, they are gay. The wedding was not a normal wedding. It was at a haunted house and to make it even spookier, when the wedding started, my sister and I screamed at the top of our lungs. We were all dressed in dark Halloween costumes, to make it even spookier. Most weddings have a white gown and a tuxedo but not this one. Chuck and Roy both love skulls and black, spooky things.

* * *

When Chuck and Roy picked the haunted house a few days before, a plastic man covered in blood dropped from the ceiling and Savannah (Roy’s daughter) ran out as fast as she could, crying. They decided to have the wedding there. They cut the man that dropped from the ceiling and all the other creepy and scary things. Chuck and Roy had a dark, soft song playing in the background that made it feel like you in a grave yard at night.

Back at the houses we all got in our outfits and made sure we had tons of layers on because there is no heat at the haunted house. Everyone was being very careful because we had just gotten our hair and makeup done. We all drove through the impossible to see through snow storm, to the haunted house. My sister had to sit on my lap because it was so crowded in the car. The roads were covered in ice and some were blocked off, do to trees and power lines on the ground. When we got to the drive way, one of them was cut off and the other one had a tree down and a person coming from the other the direction. When we finally got around the tree and the other car, we pulled up, everyone got out and we got ready. My sister and I screamed at the top of our lungs, with a piercing sound in the doll room. The dolls looked like they had been thrown in a fire or had been in a messed up science experiment. Some had 3 eyes or no head. As we leisurely walked through the haunted house, we walked into the room with the floor that had a glowing red star on in. When it was time to make their vows, Chuck made a nice speech about how they met and how he promised to care for Roy, Ory and Savannah. When it was Roy’s turn, he wasn’t so nice. Roy started and he hadn’t come up with one so he just winged it. Roy said, “Well, I promise to make your life miserable. I am just kidding, I promise to try hard to make your life happy, and thank you for helping me take care of Ory and Savannah and taking them in as part of your own family.” They were married and it was picture time. My dad set up his camera to have a flash and put it in night mode. The picture made it look like the glowing red star was going through our bodies. Everyone laughed so loud it gave me a head ache. It was time to go to the party.

When we got there, the power was out. We had no power to do anything so it made it spookier. The DJ didn’t do much, but it was still a lot of fun. All the tables had crows, rats and skeletons on them, and when it was time to cut the cake and they had to feed each other, Chuck fed Roy nicely, but Roy made sure the cake smeared all over Chuck’s face. When it was time for their speeches, Chuck did the nice thing and thanked everyone. Roy however didn’t know what to say and decided to start by saying, “Like my body?” with a funny accent and then said nice things after everyone finished laughing their heads off. I had a lot of fun that day.

I would have to say, the reason I chose this memory is because I don’t care if people are gay or straight and that I care about my family. Chuck is extremely funny when he wants to be, and he is a great cook. Roy is super funny all the time. He can also cook. I think it really shows that I don’t judge people before I got to know them. I had just found out that they were gay a couple weeks before and I didn’t care even then. Although I don’t understand why, last year I was made fun of because I am related to gay people. So, if you have friends that are related to gay people or are gay, please don’t make fun or judge them.

The author's comments:
I love my family, dont judge me!

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 26 2012 at 7:15 pm
erinomalleywriter BRONZE, York, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve".-The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I like the idea of the article, but while I was reading it I began to feel uncomfortable, as if I was intruding upon your memory.