Happy Endings | Teen Ink

Happy Endings

November 20, 2012
By Anonymous

When I was little, I thought everything had a happy ending, like in princess stories. The truth is that most things in life don’t have a happy ending.

Let me tell you a story. My sister was my role model for the longest time. Then she started dating the biggest jerk ever and she became pregnant at sixteen. They got married, and it was supposed to be a happily ever after, right? Nope. He verbally and physically abused my sister in front of my nephews and ruined her life. Presently, they are going through a divorce.

My brother recently got married to the sweetest girl ever. My brother is only eighteen. They get in fights a lot, but that’s how they communicate. Right now they are happy, but I know it won’t be happily ever after.

Allan, my other brother, just can’t be happy. Right now he is on drugs and is never happy when I see him. He is lazy, and as I say, isn’t the brother that I knew. I don’t know who he is anymore. My brother is gone.

I myself don’t have a happy ending so far. In the last year, I have lost so much, but at the same time gained so much. Then lost it. I have learned that happy endings don’t exist, and nothing stays the same. I wish I was still that little girl who believed in happy endings. Now I know that we don’t get everything we want, but we do have everything we need, even if we don’t realize it.

Even if I don’t believe in happy endings, I do know that God is in control. Everything the devil throws in my way is for a reason. God will make it a good reason. Even if at the time it seems horrible I know that there is a reason. From now on, whenever something gets thrown at me, I will remember that God is in control, and he has the ending in his hands.

The author's comments:
This piece explains why I don't believe in a such thing as happy endings.

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This article has 1 comment.

micgancole said...
on Nov. 29 2012 at 8:41 am
I really feel sad for you :(