My Bieber Experience | Teen Ink

My Bieber Experience

December 13, 2012
By Kelsie Sheets BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Kelsie Sheets BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of screaming girls wearing Bieber shirts, the echoes of “Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh,” traveling through the streets of New York City, and staying up through the night in the midst of one of the coldest and rainiest nights to date probably seems like a dreadful and “If you pay me a million dollars,” task. However, to me, a starstruck fangirl swearing to marry this worldwide phenomenon, the idea seems somewhat inviting. On November 22, 2011 my family and I, by luck (or maybe by fate) were walking through Times Square in New York City. It was cold, rainy, and if I wasn’t in the middle of the biggest fashion city in the United States, I’d have been miserable. I had heard rumors of where Justin would be that day and those rumors took me outside of the Letterman Show where I then stood for the next 4 hours. Soaking wet and high off of the last few minutes in which Justin had driven right by me with the windows down and flashing a heartwarming smile, I ended up at Hard Rock Cafe begging my parents to let me camp out and see “The Biebs” at the Today Show. Of course, my puppy dog face and a series of “I love you’s” resulted in a race across the city finding lawn chairs and blankets and eventually in the mile long line that wrapped around the entire city twice. For the next seven hours I sang Bieber songs, watched an old American Idol contestant sing [horribly], and drifted in and out of sleep. At around five am I awoke to the sound of screaming girls pushing and shoving their way into the line. I grabbed my chair and ran trying not to get trampled by the herds of not so innocent “ Beliebers”. After seeing crying Moms that couldn’t find their kids, and streets filled with so much trash it had the appearance of a sewer, and the sun slowly coming up I arrived at the front of the line. With another hour of pushing and shoving, I got in. I was tired, wet, but nonetheless I was about to see my idol, Justin Bieber perform. For what seemed like days of waiting, he came out dressed in Red and looked me straight in the eyes and we instantly fell in love (okay maybe that didn’t happen but in my mind it did). After a series of Christmas songs and the special guest Usher performing it was over. A seven hour wait for a thirty minute concert. To many peoples disbelief I didn’t regret it one bit. The adrenaline rush of staying up all night in anticipation, the crying girls in awe of a worldwide pop sensation just inches away, and the overwhelming emotion of seeing someone who means so much to you do what they love is something I loved. In fact, it is something I live for. So call me crazy, but, I’d take a cold, rainy, and sleepless night if in return I got a chance to see someone’s dream come true and be able to be just a small part of it.

The author's comments:
We hope the reader sees that sometimes being spontaneous and a little bit crazy leads to some of your best life best experiences.

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