Don't Call Her Fat | Teen Ink

Don't Call Her Fat

February 11, 2013
By jkuck123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jkuck123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anorexia Nervosa is when your desire to lose weight triumphs over everything else. You even lose the ability to see yourself as you truly are. You take hurtful words to heart, and use them against yourself as if they were your words. Then they turn into your words. There is nothing more you want then to be skinny. Just remember when you call someone fat, that word just did a lot of damage.

There is no personality left to you because your desire to lose weight has pushed your friends, your family, your life, away. There is nothing left to you other than your desire to lose weight. All those skinny girls at school, looking at you and laughing. Making comments about your weight. Their comments hurt, but you’ll show them, won’t you? You want to be skinny. Perfect. One of those pretty girls on television, in magazines. You want nothing more than that bikini ready body. Those skinny legs. The flat tummy. You keep wishing until you realize, you’re way past the skinny legs and flat tummy. You’re at bony legs and ribs showing.

How do you know you’re anorexic? Usually anorexic people have behaviors such as cutting food into small pieces or pushing food around on their plate, exercising even when they don’t have time, going to the bathroom after meals, and using pills to decrease appetite or go to the bathroom. Many people don’t realize that there are different types of anorexia. There is the purging type which is forcing self to vomit or go to the bathroom. Then there is the restricting type which is weight loss by controlling calories, following diets, exercising and fasting. People look down on those who are anorexic for many reasons but the biggest is they are afraid of their bones that are showing. Many with anorexia are incredibly thin to the point their bones show, and I mean, would you want to hug someone who has their ribs showing and their hips poking you? No? Would you want to go to lunch with someone who doesn’t even order anything but a water? No? How does being friends with a bony person that is 10 times skinny than you sound? Not good? No one wants to be the friend of an anorexic person. Just think, because you called that girl fat yesterday, she now will start starving herself and worrying she is overweight. Let’s hope she’s strong and doesn’t let your words hurt her.

The best way to help stop anorexia is with yourself. It all goes back to the golden rule, treat others how you would want to be treated. You don’t want to be called “fat”, so don’t call others “fat”. No good comes out of calling someone “fat”. If someone is overweight they know they are. No one likes being overweight, and chances are they are trying to do something about it. Is it really that hard to keep a hurtful comment to yourself? We can all help fix anorexia by not saying damaging words to others.

You really just need to stop and think before you say anything to anyone. Think if what you said to the last person you talked to you would say to your mom, your grandma, and your best friend. Would you call any of them fat? Words hurt, so does anorexia. The world will only change when you do.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece is all the girls who are going through/went through having anorexia. I talk to a lot of girls and boys on the app Instagram who have anorexia and I try to help them deal with having it. I hope to educate people on the feelings people with anorexia have and what it really is and what it does to your body.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jun. 27 2013 at 10:27 am
I strictly recommend not to hold back until you get enough cash to buy all you need! You should just take the loans or just college loan and feel yourself comfortable

on Jun. 23 2013 at 3:39 am
Some time before, I really needed to buy a good house for my firm but I didn't have enough cash and could not buy anything. Thank goodness my sister suggested to take the credit loans from trustworthy bank. Hence, I acted that and was happy with my credit loan.

on Jun. 22 2013 at 1:33 am
All people deserve good life time and mortgage loans or just short term loan would make it much better. Because freedom depends on money state.

on Feb. 14 2013 at 2:58 pm
MckennaS PLATINUM, Port St Lucie, Florida
21 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
Well, I’m well.
Well, I mean I’m in hell.
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If I could just post some insight, as a sufferer of anorexia, I honestly don't mind my bones showing. Even in recovery as I am, it's difficult not to long again for the emaciated body I once had. I loved my visible bones. Yeah, I'm sure no one loved feeling the bones on my back, but that wouldn't stop me from hugging, because I'm one hell of a hugger, haha. And saying that no one wants to be friends with an anorexic person is a little hurtful. I've had many friends who have supported me now, though I had almost no one a few years ago. No one loves my illness, but there are a lot of people that love me. Also, not everyone with anorexia is bony. Only a third of those with eating disorders are actually underweight. One diagnostic criteria holds back an official diagnosis for those that are not under a 17.5 BMI and that is the criteria that states that you must be under a 17.5 BMI. However, that is going to be changed when a new DSMV book comes out of May in this year, taking out that criteria. I'm not totally criticizing this article. I'm just giving a little insight to hopefully give you or anyone else a better understanding.