My Nightmare... | Teen Ink

My Nightmare...

March 4, 2013
By Anonymous

There I sat in the middle of a white light. It shun brightly but, there was nothing but darkness beyond the edge of the white light. Slowly I pulled my legs to my chest and wrapped my arms tightly around my knees. I had a feeling, one that you get when you know something bad is going to happen. I knew when my stomach dropped, that I was in danger. I guess when so many bad things happen to you, you know the feeling before it hits. I screeched to myself “GET UP AND RUN!!!!” Yet In that moment i was weak and hopeless. It felt like I was a deer in the headlights. I could see the danger but I was to dumb founded to move out of the way. I was frozen and there was nothing I could do. No matter how hard I tried, I was in that sitting position for good.

I could feel someone or something staring at me from the blackness around. It was a feeling that sent shivers up my spine. The hair on my neck and arms rose. I peered in to the black wall for a long time. Then, I heard the loud booming voice. “ YOU'RE NOTHING!!!” My heart took speed it was beating 100 beats per second. my body was trembling like I was in an icebox. Then the voice came again from the left then the right and then it was surrounding me in all directions. I covered my ears and shut my eyes tightly. Still I knew there was no way out but to pray for a miracle. I simply put my head to my knees and began to rock back and forth singing out loud. “AMAZING GRACE HOW SWEET THE SOUND. THAT SAVED …....I ONCE WAS LOS....” Instantly I felt to hands squeeze my shoulders with great pressure and yanked me into the utter darkness.

Before I knew it I was thrust against a cold stone wall. With in the darkness I could make out a face, It was a man no older then 33. He had brown shaggy hair. High cheek bones, a long nose, almond eyes, and a wicked smile. I looked in to his golden brown eyes and saw his desire for me. I knew his intentions. As I was about to open my moth to yell at him, he pressed himself against me and kissed me full on the mouth. The kiss was bitter like black liquorish drench with bleach. I could feel his arms encircle my waist and pull me close to his body. I put my hand onto his chest and tried to push him away. It seemed like I was trying to push a stone wall. He wouldn't budge. I manage to kick and bite him but none of it worked. I did everything I could , yet he was too strong for me. He was stronger then God himself. It all happened too quickly and truly inside I felt torn. I lost the one thing I was saving for when I would get married. . It was gone like my innocence, my hopes, and dreams. I knew I would never be the same.

When all was done the man pulled back and I fell to the ground sobbing as if my brother or sister was killed. I felt weak and worthless. I laid on the ground crying out like a lonely rainy day. Then I heard the man say “Good job.” in a husky voice. I hated him!!! He ruined me and my life. I knew no man would ever see me to be beautiful because of him. They would see me and use me just to satisfy their own selfish desires. I could feel myself go red. I lost myself I could only think of one thing and that was revenge. My anger was ready to erupted like a volcano. “I'm gonna kill you, you firkin asshole!!! I thew myself at him. I was ready to do anything to make him feel the same pain I did, when he raped me.

Suddenly, I woke up and fell off my bed. I laid on the ground tangled up in my blankest. I laid there crying when all of a sudden my bed room light went on. I squinted and covered my eyes. Then I heard the loud sleepy voice. “Warlock, what are you doing?Why are you crying?” There in the middle of the door way stood my Papa. I looked up at him and before I knew it I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his strong protective arms around me. “ Its okay" he said soothing me while I cried. “Come on, lets talk about it.” As we stood there I let out my story and my fear. “It was just a dream, honey.” he said rubbing my back. “I know but it felt so real.” I said crying into his chest. “Tell you what, you can sleep between mom and I tonight. What do you say?” he said tapping my nose, which was our own way of saying “I love you”. I quickly pulled way and ran to my bed and took my pillow and blanket and that night was the last nightmare I've had so far.

The author's comments:
This is a true event mixed with a dream. Its hard to reflect back on the pass. Rather then letting it sit inside i think its best to share it with others.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 4 2013 at 9:37 pm
JesikahW78 GOLD, Ogden, Utah
18 articles 7 photos 19 comments
Thanks.. and Im glad you like it :)

on Jun. 4 2013 at 9:31 pm
Wings10FeetTall GOLD, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 332 comments

Favorite Quote:
May your words be sharp.
- Christopher Paolini

Nobody's going to wait for you, so do it now.
-Ingrid Michaelson

Broken hearts heal, but never the same.
- Jessica Romo

Idiots rely on luck.
-Sherlock Holmes

Wow, JRBs. This is one of the deepest pieces I have ever read. EVer.