First Robbery | Teen Ink

First Robbery

March 7, 2013
By Aaron Alexander BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Aaron Alexander BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On October 5 2012 something happened to me that changed me forever. I will remember the date and time for e res of my life. I was attacked in the cold cold streets of Milwaukee in a random act of violence.

The day started off like any other day. I woke up that morning with a positive attitude. It was my senior year in high school and I was glad to be growing up and have one final year of high school left to complete. I was excited about applying to college and getting ready for graduation. Little did I know that this day would be a date that changed my personality forever.

That day after school ended also like any other. I was tired and was looking forward to induldging in my favorite after school past time, watching MTV and taking a long nap. This day however was beginning to shape out differently. My normal relaxed day began to take a turn for the worse when I got into a heated argument with my older brother over some chores that were supposed to be done. I thought nothing of it and continued to watch television and sleep.

Later that night I receive a phone call from my friend. When I answer this is how the conversation goes. 'Hello?' 'Yeah Aaron bro I need you to meet me somewhere I need my calculator back". "right now? I ask its kinda dark outside I explain. "yeah bro I need it because I need to study for this algebra exam. I sympathize with him knowing how difficult algebra can be because I myself was struggling with the subject. " okay bro ill meet you at the middle school. This proved not to be the wisest thing to do.

After we met up and I returned the calculator, I was returning home when two guys approached me. They started asking me all sorts of random questions. I was extremely naïve and I foolishly answered then and tried to be friendly with the two boys. Our conversation went like this. " Do you have a cell phone on you? "My phone has a dead battery." Do you know when the next bus is supposed to arrive"? "No sorry. Little did I know I was actually setting myself up as the perfect target for a robbery.

After they finished asking me all those random questions I then started to get suspicious. I now realize that by now it was already too late. I started asking myself questions. Like why are these two following me each time I try to distance myself from them? Why do they have a skateboard? They don't look like the type of boys that enjoy skateboarding, and why does one of them have a laptop. The second I tell myself that its probably nothing, the one who was holding the skateboard swung it and hit me hard on the head. I was so dazed that I actually fell to the ground in shock and confusion. I had no idea who these two boys were or why they were doing this to me. After I fell down I must have blacked out but only for a brief moment. I was woken back up by their punches and kicks. While I was blacked out the two managed to steal 11 dollars and my cell phone from my pockets in my jacket.

The entire ordeal lasted approxamitly three minutes. After they left I stood back up dazed and confused. I had a large bloody gash on the side of my head and I couldnt find my glasses. So there I was, standing in the cold October air with no coat, no glasses and no sense of direction. Millions of thoughts were racing through my mind. I didnt know if they were going to come back. If they were I wouldnt be able to see it coming anyways because my glasses were gone. I was stumbling around and fortunatly some lady who saw everything that happened pulled over and asked me to sit down while she let me use her phone to call my parents and she called the police.

Overall I truly learned a lesson from the whole ordeal. I was dealt a taste of how harsh and cruel the world can be and how hard life must be for people. Looking back I have mixed feeling and conflicting emotions towards the people who attacked me. One part of me is angry and wants revenge, however an extremly small part of me somewhat sympathesizes with them. They must have needed to rob and steal in order to survive and I unfortunatley was caught up in their path of deliquency. Today I always watch my back and pay extremley close attention to my surroundings. I wont ever let anything like this happen to me again.

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