First Date or Worst Date? | Teen Ink

First Date or Worst Date?

May 2, 2013
By Summer Burke BRONZE, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
Summer Burke BRONZE, Harrodsburg, Kentucky
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“Summer Leigh, come here please." Great... He only uses my middle name when I'm in trouble. "Yes, Dad," I reply. He questions, "Is there anything you needed to share with me?" My heart drops. As I nervously shake my head he begins, "Your mother told me about your little friend." Oh no... She told him; he knows. I have always been "Daddy's little girl" and can't seem to outgrow that title no matter how mature I become. He demanded, "Young lady, I will not have you with a boyfriend. Get rid of him now or I will."
This could not be happening. For six months, I had kept my boyfriend a secret from my dad for this exact reason. Being "Daddy's little girl" had its perks, but was dreadful at times like this; however, I was aware that if I played my cards correct, I could benefit from my "little girl" reputation. I batted my eyelashes which held my watery eyes and stared into my dad's angry ones. From my pooched lips in a softened voice I pleaded with my father, "But Daddy, just give him a chance like you've always given me." Unable to decline his little girls wishes, my plead was granted.
Finally, after waiting over half a year I was permitted to date this amazing boy. With each strand of hair styled to perfection, makeup layered, and nails painted, I was prepared for my long awaited first date. This night was going to be perfect.

Later that night, my much anticipated prince in shining armor arrived on his trusty steed. As I walked out to greet him I realized I had been watching too many fairy tales. My prince's "shining armor" consisted of a polo shirt and jeans. As for his "trusty steed," it was not so trusty to say the least, a nineteen ninety-six Volvo to be exact; nevertheless, he was perfect. My smile stretched from cheek to cheek as his gorgeous blue eyes met mine; I was the happiest girl alive. Once I awoke from my paradise, I realized the worst had yet to come. It was time to introduce him to my parents.
My mother greeted him with her always winning smile, assuring me with an approving wink. However, her encounter with him was not the one which I was nervous for. My father slowly approached us with a disapproving look. He circled my boyfriend looking him up and down just as a tiger would his prey before pouncing on it. "Sit down boy," he demanded. I thought surely my shirt was going to rip due to my heart beating so hard in my chest. What was my father planning on doing?
He proceeded to pursue a complete background check on my boyfriend. He questioned his grades, sports, criminal record, and about everything excluding a strip search, which at this point would have not surprised me. Next, he brought out my baby pictures. He was doing his very best to scare this boy off.
Finally, my dad ran out of ideas to embarrass me, at least for now. We were at last released from his questioning grip and were able to proceed on our way to the movie theatre. He yelled through the door as we were exiting, "Have her back by nine, maybe eight thirty." Even though this first encounter of my boyfriend and parents was not perfect, my boyfriend was still living and breathing; therefore, it went better than I had expected. Gratefully, the stress was over now and I could enjoy my very first date.
Relieved, we then entered the movie theatres planning to see Horrible Bosses which was rated R. We carelessly prepared to purchase our tickets. After specifying to the cashier our movie selection, she rudely laughed in our faces. My boyfriend and I shared the same confused glance. The clerk growled, "Kids, you must be seventeen to see this movie." Another adult was treating me like a baby. My frustration multiplied. How could this night become any worse? I turned disappointedly to leave the theatre when my boyfriend's voice astounded me, "Two for Cars two please." I gave him a confused look and in return he gave me a wink with a smirk upon his face. He had a plan.
As we neared the admission stand he whispered to me, "We'll show them a couple of dumb kids," and just that we did. I trailed my date down the hall realizing we passed our designated theatre. When he read my puzzled look he assured me he had a plan. We were sneaking into the rated “R” movie. Never in my life had I snuck around, broken rules, or lied; once again my heart was on the verge of beating out of my chest.
After being seated, it looked as if this plan was going to succeed. The previews had concluded and the movie was at its exposition. Relax. I had survived my dad, survived the rude clerk, and survived sneaking into a rated R movie; now I could finally have a good time. As I exhaled with relief, suddenly, I was blinded by a flashlight.

Upon regaining my impaired vision, I recognized a familiar face. The still blinding flashlight was being held in the hands of the evil clerk. Nothing was going my way tonight. She demanded, "You kids need to leave immediately." Kids... That word had conquered me again. As others stared, pointed, and laughed, my boyfriend and I shared the same matching red cheeks as we took the "walk of shame" out the theatre doors.
My long desired first date had lasted about fifteen minutes. What else could go wrong? Although this thought was not intended as a challenge, the universe surely accepted it as one. We then shamefully boarded his car and continued back to my house.
Once we reached my house, my boyfriend walked me in to thank my parents and say goodbye just as a gentleman should do. As he held the door for me, I caught a glimpse of my dad waiting patiently inside. Oh no. Blood rushed to my cheeks, a familiar feeling tonight, and I could not believe my eyes. There my dad sat with a mischievous grin. Before him, he had every gun he'd ever owned lying on the table. My father looked casually to me as my jaw dropped. "Y'all have a good time? I've just been sitting here all night cleaning my guns," he explained sarcastically. I had never been more embarrassed in my whole life.
I nervously turned to my date, positive that he had dashed out the door while he was still healthy. What kind of girl was worth this torture anyways? When my eyes found him I discovered the complete opposite. Either he was determined to make things right, or was really brave. He seated himself next to my dad and began to discuss his interest in guns as well. My father could hardly hide his frustration; he could find no fault with this boy.

Eventually my boyfriend traveled home and I was undecided as to whether or not I was sad or relieved this date was over. At least I know now that things could not get any worse; surely this amazing boy would never speak to me again. Besides, he could do much better than a girlfriend with crazy parents anyways. Just as my heart was breaking in two, my ringing phone distracted me from my forever alone destiny. It was him. Nervously, I answered my boyfriend's call. "Hey, I'm really sorry about tonight." I apologized. Then the most wonderful thing happened. He began to laugh. Was he laughing at me, making fun of me, or laughing at my chances of ever getting a boyfriend again? No, this was a happy laugh. All my frustration and embarrassment was suddenly forgotten and I joined him; we laughed longer than our date had lasted. It was perfect.
"You know, not a lot of people can say they were background checked, kicked out of a movie, gun threatened, and still had an amazing time with an amazing girl all in one night." he finally stated. I could not contain my smile now. He questioned sarcastically, "So, do you think our second date can top this one?" Second date, he still wanted a second date with me. The laughter began again as I replied, "I think us 'couple of kids' can do anything." All my worries were forgotten.
This experience taught me to make the best of every situation, no matter how bad. Keep smiling, and the outcome will be great. A positive attitude can go a long way; don’t allow anything bring you down. This same tortured boy has been my boyfriend for over two years now. As we may battle bad situations to come, we both know to just laugh it off and keep going. After all this time, my dad and my boyfriend are even buddies. A smile can overcome anything, and may even be contagious.

The author's comments:
This is a real life/ comical experience and was fun to write about.

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