Eagle's Power | Teen Ink

Eagle's Power

May 21, 2013
By KlattT BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
KlattT BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the wind blew through my hair, I tucked an unruly strand behind my ear and stared off into the distance. The mountains seemed to tower over the world, as silent protectors - a friend to the skies. The lake at the base of the mountain shimmered in the sunlight that reflected off it’s crystal clear surface and I took a moment to close my eyes and breathe in the scent of the crisp summer breeze.

When I opened them, a glint of light caught my eye near the top of the mountains. It moved with such amazing grace and speed that I thought it was a falling star, but with a closer look, I realized it was a bird. As it neared closer to me, I let a smile spread across my face when I realized this was the symbol of our nation: The bald eagle.

Its enormous six foot wingspan reached its full potential as it slowed itself enough to dive into the lake, feet first, and then as quick as it had come, flew away. Having missed it’s catch, it circled around the basin again. I could almost feel the eyes of the beast on the water below. It marveled me how it could possible stare into the sun-coated lake for so long and still see its prey.

I watched with the utmost curiosity as the raptor continued to circle the small lake as it analyzed its next move with perfect precision.

Suddenly, the eagle let out a screech as it dove down towards the lake at top speed, it let its talons extend once again as it reached the surface of the lake. The water splashed around the mighty predator as it went in for the kill. The bird gave a couple mighty flaps and it was airborne once again, this time victorious with a wriggling fish in it’s cogent talons.

I shook myself out of my daze as I watched the eagle fly away into the sky, and I couldn’t help but smile and look around me once again. The serenity of the land lulled me into a sense of security. The blue sky, the crystal-like lake, the green grass around me, and the incredible power displayed through this bird. It all exhibited the amazing force of nature that surrounds us everyday, but I was grateful to be humbled by the sight of it nonetheless.

The author's comments:
Inspired by a picture hanging in my classroom.

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