Changed Through The Year | Teen Ink

Changed Through The Year

June 17, 2013
By 17jdesai BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
17jdesai BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Think a little deeper. Think of something that we’ve never thought of before”- Winnie The Pooh (The Many Adventures Of Winnie Pooh)

This quote that Winnie the Pooh said it really inspirational, it tells you a message that not everything is out there. Sometimes you have to think outside the box, think of things that you might have never thought of. When we have to explain something my answer is a right there answer but not all the time. The quote is trying to say that people always state the obvious and if you have an idea you should think of something that you would have never thought that you would have thought before.

Throughout the year, I usually picked answers that most people would think of. When I wrote a story I some of my ideas weren’t original, they were obvious answers. But know I know that if I want to make a good story that you have you think of ideas that would make your piece unique. You want your story to stand out and by thinking of something thoughtful it will. When I would give an example for a question I would now give more thoughtful answers, it has more meaning behind it.

From the beginning of the year to know my writing has changed immensely. Like I mentioned before I have more thought behind my writing, my stories just don’t answer the question straightforward, it goes into deeper thought. For example, my Why I Write was straightforward and now my Change in Time had more feeling in it. In September my writing wasn’t very powerful, it was limited. I would say for the first couple major
writing pieces weren’t that special. I personally believe the fourth marking period really showed who I was as a writer. For example, The Banned Books Project really showed how I am a string writer because I had to convince everyone what my position was.

All in all, “Think a little deeper. Think of something that we’ve never thought of before”- Winnie The Pooh (The Many Adventures Of Winnie Pooh) is telling us that not everything is going to be right there, sometime you have to think of something that no one would have thought of. Every story should be unique. I would say that from what I wrote in the beginning of the year is completely different from how I write now.

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