Betrayed | Teen Ink


July 9, 2013
By angie17 SILVER, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
angie17 SILVER, Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
live your life to the fullest

don't ever be afraid to make mistakes because of whose telling you to not follow your dreams

do with your heart

I feel betrayed by everyone I do everything for you and you call me a piece of s*** and all this other stuff. I thought we were closer then that. Just to let you guys know I'm talking about my mom. She verbally says s*** to me and its getting to me now. I'm not putting this up here to embarrass her but parents actually do this stuff and it hurts. You hurt me more then anyone else and I thought we were close because you are my MOM for god sakes and we will have NO relationship when I turn 18 I will be out of your house

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