Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Loop? | Teen Ink

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Loop?

August 17, 2013
By Sarahf GOLD, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Sarahf GOLD, Tulsa, Oklahoma
15 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I used to have this fear – it would make me quiver at just the thought. I’d go all pale, my stomach would turn, I’d get this wheezy feeling and the world would suddenly seem topsy-turvy. You know what I’m talking about, right? Everyone has fears! But sometimes I’d feel like no one else could even relate, because my worst fear was something other people did for fun. I’m talking about roller coasters. You know, those big, bad, metal loops that fill the air at amusement parks. They may have been invented for entertainment, but to me, they were the stuff of nightmares – pure torture machines!

Why am I discussing something that terrified me so much? Like most kids, I’ve been to my fair share of amusement parks. However, I never mustered up enough courage to go on the really big rides. The first time I ever attempted to ride one, I was six. I remember the terrifying wait to go on the ride. I started off with no concerns, the epitome of bravery (or arguably, naivety). All my older siblings had already gone on it and of course, told me how scary it was. But, my six year old self brushed off their stories --If my older siblings could do it, I could too! At least that’s what I thought until I was actually seated in the mechanism. As the coaster lurched to life, my confidence decreased. Then, my thoughts started to take a different turn: is it going to be dark? Is my seatbelt tight enough? What if we fall out? I just wanted to get it over with. But it just wouldn’t end! Unfortunately, the cliché “time slowed down” really did seem applicable! I remember going through one particularly sinister- feeling tunnel at an agonizingly slow pace. Slow, slow, slow and then – abruptly we stopped. I thought something was wrong with the ride! I thought my worst nightmare had come true, and that we’d be stuck in the never ending darkness forever! My heart was racing, palms sweating- then all of the sudden, we dropped, and dropped, and dropped. I remember screaming a lot (my siblings inform me that they remember that as well). Tell me again who exactly decided this would be an enjoyable way to spend the day? The rest of the ride was sort of a blur; all I really remember was being super stiff in my seat, looking straight ahead, and holding on to my dad’s hand (who thankfully was seated beside me), and wanting more than anything for the torment to end. Afterwards, I wobbled out of my seat and took in a shuddery breath of air- I was done- and I was never going to do it again…. or so I thought.

Year after year, my family and I explored various amusement parts. I was an avid fan of some of the smaller rides, but refused anything remotely fast, loopy, or dark. The closest thing to a roller coaster that I actually went on was a hot air balloon ride that just kind of spun you around a little bit (even that gave my goose bumps!). When I was eight, my adventure seeking parents decided to go on vacation to Disney World in Florida. I was so excited to go! I knew that there would be roller coasters, but I also knew there would be a bunch of smaller rides with no loops, drops, or anything else out of the ordinary- and I mean- Disney World! Who wouldn’t want to go there? My parents decided on splitting up the kids, so that the older ones went with dad, and the younger ones went with mom. I was automatically categorized as a younger kid. It didn’t bother me one bit! I had an amazing time with my family! It actually turned out to be one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life - even if I did have to go through a couple more roller coasters on the way - it was still so worth it.

As time rolled by, I went on a few more coasters, and I extremely underestimated myself when I assumed that I wasn’t really afraid of them anymore. Boy was I wrong. It was the summer of 2011, and I was at a camp with my friends. One of the days included a trip to an amusement park. I thought it would be fun - until I actually walked through the entrance. There in front of me was a purple and yellow beast. It was huge! I could hear the screams coming from the prey it just devoured. I was horrified. I thought to myself, “no way am I going on that,” maybe a little too loud because my friend immediately responded, “oh yes we are.” I was with of all my friends - what was I supposed to do? I really didn’t want them to think that I was afraid of roller coasters, but I was freaking out! I had to tell someone, so in the privacy of the women’s restroom, I confided in two of my closest friends. They were extremely understanding, but were also sure that they could help me conquer my fear. One of my friends said, “Just go on this one ride, and if you don’t like it, I promise you can sit out on all the rest of them.” I agreed. The outcome really surprised me. It was a little scary at first but I actually kind of enjoyed it. After that I went on another one, and another one, and pretty soon I’d ridden on every ride in the entire park! I was so shocked! It may have been a little daunting at first, but by the end of the day I kind of liked the sensation! I had the best time overcoming my fear!

I guess the moral of my story is to not judge something too soon - you may really like it! I still get a little bit nervous when I’m around roller coasters, but now, that just makes it all the more exciting!

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