One Sided Summer Love | Teen Ink

One Sided Summer Love

August 22, 2013
By Anonymous

I'm not quite sure when I fell for you. It all started as a joke between a friend and I but then words became feelings and now it is what it is. I remember the first time I saw you, I am pretty sure you were wearing a tie as you looked out over the pool. I was wearing a bathing suit and guard shirt. You stood by your parents and I sat in a chair, feet up, hair up, and sweat running down my neck. I decided from that moment on your were my yearly 'eye candy.' The next time I saw you I remembered you for your smile. You always had the most gorgeous smile. You know the one when your eyes are almost closed and I can see all your teeth? Yes, that smiles. When you smile it always, feel real. We knew each other for about half a year, each day for three hours we would be a mere twenty yards away from each other but you never knew me. I remember sitting next to the equipment bin just so you would say my name, just so I knew for at least five seconds you would notice me. However, the school year trudged on and nothing really happened. But then summer happened, and then you got to know me and I got to know you, and everything went from me wanting you to know my name to a summer fling. You know the love I am talking about, the one where you spend all your time together, have inside jokes, sneak into movies, and have heart to hearts. However, the only problem is I think it is one sided. I notice everything about you. The way you like to snap your gum to the way you purse your lips and shrug when you are keeping a secret. Or how about the way you stick your tongue into your water bottle before you take a sip. I even notice how your consistently do your open turns wrong and flick your wrist when you swim. I know every insecurity and I know what to say to make you feel better. You have cried on my shoulder and bought me lunch, you have been the jealous friend and now I feel the same way. You have hugged me as if you meant it and driven me crazy with your driving and childish behavior. I want to say something but I know you are uninterested. I have thought up a thousand different conversations in my head that I know will never happen. The odd thing is though that I am not heartbroken. I know that I could love you and I think you could love me back, but I know there is better out there for you and there are things that I cannot offer you. I understand that this was a one sided summer love and I except the fact that summer is ending.

The author's comments:
Until my heart grows cold, this one sided summer love shall blossom in my soul forever.

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