Computer | Teen Ink


October 5, 2013
By starrfire777 SILVER, Ijamsville, Maryland
starrfire777 SILVER, Ijamsville, Maryland
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Truth is right now I’m looking at my computer wishing I could be anywhere else and do anything else. This cursed machine is the devil and I fear it has already taken my soul. It draws me to get and in its grasp I forget the world. Slowly anything else loses its appeal. Now I sit here willingly for my will has left me, so is it really willingly? I am just as damned and cursed as this blasted machine. I pretend that I am its commander. I write and the words appear, I click and music plays, I am the one in charge. Silently I whimper, I am not truly in control the computer has me in its grasp and will not let go. I can do everything but leave. All I want is freedom but it is far beyond my fingertips. Sad really the fate of my existence.

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