Little Sister | Teen Ink

Little Sister

October 7, 2013
By PARAS SILVER, Princeton Jct., New Jersey
PARAS SILVER, Princeton Jct., New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Dance as though no one is watching you,
"Love as though you have never been hurt before,
Sing as though no one can hear you,
Live as though heaven is on earth.”

Little Sister:
Ever thought of siblings being little, pesky annoying people at your side? Well I for one do. I was a happy little girl, the center of my parents (and my own) world. And then a little girl came into the picture my sister. Now, I already had three younger cousins so I had a pretty good idea about how a big sister should act. But this was different, way different. This little girl was my actual blood sister, and to tell you the truth that freaked me out a little. Because until now I was a star, and not to mention I had wanted a brother. At first as I was getting used to it, I thought that I’ll teach her to read and talk even walk. Well, those dreams got shattered. In many ways. Then came the jealousy.

My freedom? my room? My books? My attention?

Now I was stuck with this little girl who took up all my parents time and the next thing I know? I’m shoved to the side. Litilliary and Figuratively. I have to do chores and I didn't find any if no time to talk to my parents, and to top my time off? I was supposed to play with her, a girl that was ten years younger than me and had ruined my life. I grumbled and whined, and made tons of excuses. But in the end I did indeed play with her, I even taught her some things. After playing with her my anger and annoyance began to deflate, I began to love her. I also saw the perks of having a younger sibling: she looked up to me. And as soon as that clicked, I began to behave my best. Currently it’s three years later, I’m thirteen and my sister is three; I’m pretty used to it. Being shoved aside, “Shoo!” and not being the center of attention. I can play with her and joke around. I love her, the little monster that ruined my life.

She’s my sister.

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