Depression | Teen Ink


October 25, 2013
By SkatCat SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
SkatCat SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello. My name is Amy. I want to be prettier, skinnier, or even more popular. However, life doesn’t always work the way you want it to. I have learned that if you let these ideas remain in your mind, they will consume you.

My mother is consumed by ideas of something better, otherwise know as depression. She see’s life in an entirely different way than most people. As if life is one great big hill that she can’t quite get over. Nothing she does is ever good enough and to her most days are bad days. The worst part of all, in her darkest hours she becomes a ticking time bomb. Then, I have to be strong and shut her off before it’s too late.

Most people aren’t like me. Their mom’s do the worrying for them. So, I guess I am backwards or twisted. The bad part is I didn’t choose to have to be like this. I didn’t get to sign up for it. I got thrown into a role that I did not want to play. I pretend to be strong, but I’m always left feeling weak inside.

It’s as if this depression is a virus. I don’t want to catch the sickness that my mother has. I want to be happy, but life is always dragging me back down. Then, I begin to feel as if I’m on the same path my mother once was, a road to destruction. I hope that I can turn around and it isn’t too late.

At school, the kids see right through me, as if I do not exist. I want to be noticed, but I do not cry out for help. Maybe I should look for a savior, someone to help me get through. If only I could find another person who know my thoughts or my feelings. However, most people don’t see life how I do.

Life is so fragile. Does anyone ever stop to realize the things they say or do? They don’t see that one wrong step and someone could be gone, forever. So, I will wait and just maybe there will be someone to see the world in my eyes.

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This article has 1 comment.

nikiiiZ GOLD said...
on Nov. 1 2013 at 9:43 pm
nikiiiZ GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
12 articles 0 photos 6 comments
This is truly beautiful.  My best friend lost her father to cancer this summer and she has been deteriorating ever since. She isn't the same bubbly, funny, happy girl she used to be. She cries everyday. She doesn't sleep. She has stress-induced eating disorders. And although she claims she is not, some days I think she is suicidal.  I completely understand this role you have. We didn't choose to be our loved ones' caretakers, but rather we were thrown into these roles. And honestly, it can be hard for us to stay strong and play these roles perfectly! I am no expert on depression or dealing with loss, as I have fortunately never lost anyone very close to me. I want to let you know that you are not alone. I know this phrase almost has no meaning nowadays because it gets tossed around so much, but it is 100% true. You WILL find someone who understands you and knows what you are going through and can help you, I promise you that. It may take days, weeks, even years. But you will find someone, and you will realize that you are not alone. I wish you and your mother the best.