My First Memory | Teen Ink

My First Memory

October 24, 2013
By Lexi_Nikas SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Lexi_Nikas SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first memory I can actually remember is when my grandpa Angelo owned a restaurant in Indianola, Iowa, Paul’s Pizza and Steakhouse. He was the coolest grandpa. I was his only granddaughter ever. So I was really spoiled. I pretty much got everything i wanted. I would follow my grandpa around everywhere. I was his “mini me” and we were definitely inseparable. He meant the world to me and when i look back at my childhood memories he is always in them. So in this restaurant my grandpa owned my mom waitressed. I was probably oh, five years old and i was a little turd. I was following my mom around and everyone would always give me tips for “helping” her. I followed her around one day and I watch her pour some coffee in a cup up at the waitress section. She probably noticed me studying the coffee pot. I kept asking her, “Mommy is this hot?” as i kept pointing to the top where all the coffee was coming out of. She kept replying yes, even when i heard her say that i still kept asking. She was probably getting annoyed by how many times i asked. I think one of the customers were waving her over because she said “ Lexi, stay right here and i’ll be right back. Do not touch the top, remember its hot?” I watch her take the coffee pot over to the customer. I kept staring at it. I know she said not to touch the top where the coffee would come out of but she never said anything about the bottom. So I looked around and everyone around me was busy. I just took my right hand and slammed my right hand on the bottom. I was so shocked i screamed at the top of my lungs and I swear every person in that restaurant looked up at me. My grandpa rushed over and just by me holding my wrist i think he knew what happened he leads me to the booth where we always sit and get a cup full of ice and for the rest of the day i had ice on my hand. I was so shocked that it was hot that my mom told me that I had a shocking look on my face for at least an hour. My lesson that i learned from this is just listen and ask so many questions. If I would of just listened and if i didnt get so curious I probably wouldnt of put my hand there. That was my very first tragic memory.

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