Traveling to New Places | Teen Ink

Traveling to New Places

November 3, 2013
By LizzieBorden14 BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
LizzieBorden14 BRONZE, Salem, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It will all get better in the end. If it's not better, then it's not the end yet."

My days in New Jersey and Pennsylvania were memorable and unforgettable. We were going to go to Six Flags, New Jersey the first day, and spend the two other days in Pennsylvania. I was pretty excited, considering I’ve never been to either of them before. I wondered what I would see, what we would be doing, and where we would be staying. My imagination wandered with thoughts of excitement and curiosity as we set off to go.

It was going to be a LONG car ride, and I really mean long. Other than stopping

for food and necessary things, it was a good 5-7 hour ride to New Jersey. As boring as it may be, it gave me a lot of time to think and get away from all the drama in the world. Listening to music is like I’m in a completely different world, so that’s what i did the whole ride. When we were almost there, I stared out the window waiting for the fun day to start. “These few days are going to be good,” I thought to myself while smiling.

When we got to Six Flags, I literally jumped out of the car, I was that excited. We had to make a short stop at our hotel first to drop our things off. The hotel was nice, but Six Flags was even more amazing. There were tons of rides. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to ride all the rides I would want to, but I know I’ll have fun. We waited for everyone to get out of the car; then we started to head over there. It took a few minutes to actually walk over there. Then we gave them our tickets that we already had, and went inside.

I didn’t realize how torrid it was because I was too focused on the rides and everything around the park. Since we just got there, the lines were really short. I wish we could go in the water park too but that’s separate and not included with the ticket. My brother obviously went off with my cousins alone while I stayed with my parents. We started off by walking around , because I’m too impatient, and if it’s an outside line like this one, the weather. It was so hot out; I hate it when it’s too hot out. When it gets too hot, I can get sick, so I hope it cools down. We went to find a ride. When we found one we all wanted to go on, we got in line. I hate waiting in lines, and I don’t think my parents were enjoying it either. Finally, it was our turn to ride. On the way up, I touched the railing and it burnt! I won’t be touching these any time soon. After the ride, it was still hot out. But that didn’t have any real physical effect on me.

As the day went on, we rode more and more rides. Me and my dad decided to go on the wooden roller coasters. I don’t remember the names of them but they’re the only type of roller coasters my dad will go on. My mom doesn't like roller coasters so she didn’t go on. I sometimes think wooden roller coasters will just fall apart but what the heck we’re already here. When we got on, I was really excited.

"Are you excited?" I asked my dad.

"Yes." He replied.

“I hope we don’t fall out.”

“I won’t, but you probably will.”

I squint my eyes annoyingly at him. It was our turn on the ride, so we sat in the middle of the coaster. When everyone was fastened in, we pulled out of the station. We started to go up the hill, and when we got to the top, I held on to the bar for dear life. Then we went down the hill. Wow. My stomach is in my chest now, "I'm going to fall out." I keep thinking. But turns out if I didn't have the seatbelt on, I would actually fall out, because it was a bumpy ride. By the time we got to to the end, my seatbelt was loose.

I looked at my dad

"Wow. That was REALLY bumpy."

"I'll say.

We got off the ride and walked to where my mom was waiting

I begun to think about the next two days we would spend in Pennsylvania. That got me even more excited, because Hershey Park and Hershey’s Chocolate World sounded like a lot of fun to me. I guessed that there’s probably a lot of chocolate…… and that I would get to eat a lot of chocolate, I hope.

We met up with my brother and cousins and went back to the car.

"That was really fun!" I say

"Yea, it was!" Says my family.

As we drove away from Six Flags, I knew this vacation was going to be one I wouldn’t forget. The fun has only just begun and will grow as we reach our destination PENNSYLVANIA.

The author's comments:
It was one of my favorite vacations, so I chose to write about it.

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