snow day | Teen Ink

snow day

October 3, 2013
By Anonymous

i woke up and when i looked out the window there was a blanket of fluffly white snow covery every little thing. "snow day!" i said filled with joy. i decided to go to my friend emilys house. when i got there we suited up and ran outside. we decided to play our anual game where you jump off the wooden tree swing and see who get the farthest. you have to get out of the way fast enough to not get hit by the swing. when it was my turn i slipped and we both instanly stared laughing because we were bust laughing i forgot to get out of the way and the swing vcame back and hit me right ing the eye. it went numb fast because it was really cold outside, so we just kept on playing not thinking anything of it. a few minutes later emily saisd,"Hannah your eye is bleeding!" right away my first thought was that my actual eye was bleeding so i bolted inside to see for my self in the mirror. whe i saw it i agot a huge sigh of relief because where it really hit was right above my eye. when my mom took me home she bandaged me up and now i barley have a scare. i know one thing to never jump off that swing again.

The author's comments:
people show learn to think before you act

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