The Tattoo | Teen Ink

The Tattoo

December 29, 2013
By CoraMichelle SILVER, Aguada, Other
CoraMichelle SILVER, Aguada, Other
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel." ~Johnny Depp

So, the tattoo. The dandelion is a delicate flower. In the context of the piece, it goes to show just how delicate life can be. It can be taken from us in seconds or years, in the middle of peace or turmoil. It’s also a flower that’s controlled by an element that can’t be seen, the wind. Life’s the same. Sometimes we’re put in places and situations that we have no control over, we’re at the will of fate, destiny, god, whatever it is we decide to call it. The transition from dandelion petals to birds symbolizes the passing of time and how we grow from everything we go through. There’ll be highs and lows, but that’s part of it. As life goes on we change. We learn from our mistakes and from those of others, from the good moments and the bad, but in the end it is we who decide what to do with that knowledge. It is we who decide what use to put it to, or in other words, whether we’ll grow or not.

The author's comments:
"This was my reply to my best friend when she asked me why I wanted to get a tattoo of a dandelion with its petals turning into birds."

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