I Saw Myself in a Little Girl Yesterday | Teen Ink

I Saw Myself in a Little Girl Yesterday

December 17, 2013
By KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw myself in a little girl yesterday, and for a moment everything in the world felt okay. She stood clutching her purse in her tiny hands, remaining next to her parents. Her sparkling eyes wandered the environment in which she currently found herself; taking in the scenes, the people -wishing the staring would stop, wishing other people could see things from her point of view. Her sister- sat in a wheelchair next to her. I understood. I do not know her, where she comes from, or what her story is; but one subtle stare into her eyes, and a small smile taken into consideration, and I understood the storm within her glance. To be the girl who tags along, to have strangers stare at you as if your life is an unfortunate circumstance, or as if you are always in the way. To be the girl whose parents don’t understand the things you tell them on how others react. They tell you not to care, but it’s hard to ignore a world full of people who give you those disapproving glares. It’s hard to ignore the stares of random strangers on the street, and even worse, when the people who are supposed to love you tell you of such discriminatory details and hurt you the most. No one listens, and although they claim to care, they cannot possibly understand. They are not me. They have not experienced life in the way in which I have. They have not been blessed with a unique view on life as I have been. Although, most say it takes strength; to be able to hear such words and witness such actions, and remain true to yourself and your views. I feel sad for them though; because while they are caught up in the hubbub of remaining mainstream and normal, they fail to critically think of their purpose in life. Why they are here and what they should gain from their life on Earth. For those who have been blessed with a sibling such as I have understood the value of love and the power it has on this world. After all, all everything comes down to in the end is memories, sure you were considered “normal”, but do those who classified you as that really have any care for you? These are daily thoughts that those like I take into consideration, but sometimes I feel like a bunch of broken pieces being glued together. But from looking in that little girl’s eyes; I know she understood - and as my eyes drifted away, I could tell she kept her gaze on me- because she knew I understood too.

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