Soccer | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Soccer is my favorite sport. I have played soccer almost my entire life. I have tried playing other sports, but my favorite always has been, and always will be, soccer. It started when I played on a rec team when i was either five or six.

When I started playing soccer, I was just beginning Kindergarten. I’m not sure what motivated me to start playing, but it just sounded like an interesting sport to me at the time. I think my parents were glad that I was starting to play sports, because the joined me onto a team. I was probably very bad when I was six, but I’ve gotten a whole lot better than what I played like before. All I can remember is that I was on a small team with only six players.

As I got older, I started to try and play baseball. After I played for about two seasons, I realized that baseball wasn’t really my sport. Luckily, I was still playing soccer so I still had a sport i could play. Later, I tried playing flag football, but once again, soccer was still on top.

I was playing soccer every year since Kindergarten. As I was getting older, the soccer field was growing larger. Also, the soccer team and number of players on the field at a time increased as well. Finally, the soccer goals grew larger. There were also a lot of new rules added to the game. When you were young, you were able to just kick the ball however you wanted with no positions. Next, you began playing in a certain position, either defender (what I play now), midfielder, or forward. There was also something they called a sweeper, who was pretty much a goalie without using their hands. After that age, you start to get more rules. There were now substitutions, who would take your place on the field while you would get a break. Also the amount of players grew and instead of a sweeper, they add a real goalie into the game. The rules pretty much stay the same after that.

A few years ago, I decided to join a select soccer team. I decided to try out for the city league. After the tryouts, I had to wait a few weeks to find out if I made the team. It turns out that I did make the team, along with some of my friends at school. I played on the team since 8 vs. 8 on the field to now, 11 vs. 11. Our team was pretty good at first, but now we have gotten a lot better. We have gone to a lot of tournaments in Iowa and one in Minnesota. We still haven’t won a tournament yet, but we have gotten second place in three of them.

Even now, after trying other sports like baseball and football, soccer is still my favorite sport, and it always will be.

The author's comments:
The thing that inspired me to write this nonfiction story about my soccer life was that I really like soccer and I felt like others should know.

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