My Name Is... | Teen Ink

My Name Is...

January 8, 2014
By Kyle Lewis SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Kyle Lewis SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A piece of wood and four wheels. An annoying click, clack noise down the sidewalk.

As I push down the street in town, people all say the same thing to me.

“Get a life,” one older woman's face says

“Please don't let that be my kid one day,” one father's expression reads.

Once I continue, on I take in the sites of the town, Some people see a set of stairs and think of a way up but I see a concrete playground. When people see a bench they think of a place to sit, but I see it differently.

As I continue I see another set of stairs, but this time I can't just skate by. I climb to the top looking at every crack in the stairs and count them as I walk up it. 1, 2, 3, 4… . As I reach the top I look to the bottom, like an owl eyeing his prey on a dark night.

I run and try. For a brief moment I'm in the air. My board spins. I get that feeling of amazement as I watch the ground get closer and closer. I hit the ground, my board just inches away from my feet. The feeling was that of looking at the earth for the first time from outer space.
I run and try. Again the feeling comes back. I land on my board this time, but it slips out from under me.

I run and try. The board spins perfectly. The feeling is the even stronger than before. I land on the board perfect and ride away. It feels like a Christmas morning. However, I have no time to enjoy it because a security guard is running over to take my board and call the police.

I get on by board and push away. There it is again. The annoying click, clack noise down the sidewalk.

The author's comments:
Again, it's alll true.

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