My Dad | Teen Ink

My Dad

January 13, 2014
By angela winkleblack BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
angela winkleblack BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think I’m still sleeping. Wait is that Lisa I hear?

“He also has a black eye,” she said repeatedly.
I open my eyes quick.

“Dad” I shouted “What happened to you?”

My hair is messed up and my eyes are so droopy I’m surprised they aren’t touching the floor. I am so confused I can’t hear or understand what anyone is saying. they're all talking at once. My little sister Savannah is sleeping on the couch with my little brother Tristan. I’m actually quite surprised that they haven’t woken up. Clothes are all over on the floor, food boxes are everywhere, the sheets are all messed up. Yea I don’t think the cleaning lady is gonna like us. Wait what am I doing I need to focus what happened to my daddy.


“Tristan!!” I shouted “behave yourself.”

We are on our way to Mackinac Island. It’s winter and the water hasn’t frozen over. So instead of taken the little airplanes we had to take the boat which is cheaper. It was really cold out but at least we got to go in this little room on the boat that had heat.

“We are 5 minutes away!” said the boat driver.

I came up with my dad’s friends wives, Jodi and Lisa. They are really fun to hangout with. Unfortunately I had to watch my brother and sister up here. Not fun! Tristan has brown hair and deep brown eyes he’s 7 years old. He is very hyper all the time. He also has a hard time settling down and listening; but I still love him to death. Savannah has blond hair; medium brown eyes she is 6 years old. She is the more calm one and very intelligent.

“Were here” Jodi told us.

As we walked out off the boat there was my dad standing there with all his work gear on. A big faded yellow body suit, A helmet thats supposed to be white but is black with white spots, and his big brown knee boots.

All us kids ran to him “Dad!!” we all sorta over exaggerated a little bit. Hugging him with excitement, but to be honest we were happy just to be somewhere new.

Walking into the hotel room we were throwing our things around and checking the place out. It was nice. A little living room with a couch that can turn into a bed; A flat screen in the right corner. Then it converts into a tiny kitchen. Toward the back there are 2 steps no door; a bed and the bathroom. I thought its was an alright hotel not the best I’ve been in, but I thought to myself at least im here.

“ Who wants to go on the snowmobiles?” said dad.

“mememememeememe!” screamed savannah and tristan.

“well sounds like no one wants too so lets go to sleep.” dad said in his sarcastic voice.

I don’t get the point of wasting your time saying that, but I think every parent says that.

My dad works for my grandpa and grandma’s company. Its a construction company they are working on the governor’s mansion.

We all rode the snowmobiles up to the governor's mansion. When we got there it was soo beautiful looking over on his balcony. After a while of looking around we went to the store. Surprisingly there was only one store open on the whole island and it was little. It was a grocery store. My dad let me drive them home there was this little wagon on the back of the snowmobile that carried the groceries and the kids.

After putting away all the groceries Tristan and Savannah sat down on the couch and started playing games and watching movies. Chris, my dad’s best friend, came in and asked if I wanted to go on a snowmobile ride with him, Jodi, and Fritchy. So I had to share a snowmobile with Fritchy. Jodi and Chris shared one. I drove me and Fritchy. We went to this really cool overlook. The sun was a tint of red, clouds were pink and fluffy like cotton-candy. It was very pretty.

Then we went to this part were it was just woods and a straight away so I thought I would have some fun. I started going 60 mph; Lets just say people didn’t call me the boring driver anymore. We drove back to the hotel. Chris’s room was right next to ours and we all just were talking and hanging out over there. Of course all the adults were drinking and having a little fun since it was a long work week.

“aaahhhhhh” I sighed

Laying down on the bed. All the adults were still in the other room. I was tired. Laying down felt really nice after a long car ride and being out in the cold. Tristan and Savannah were already sleeping. I couldn’t quite go to sleep no matter how hard I tried even tho I was really tired. I got up went and looked in the fridge. I got a small glass of milk and ate some cookies. Walking to the bathroom I had found my gloves and set them on the counter. A hot shower sounded really nice to.

Laying back down felt even better than before. I sat there and thought about everything that had happened that day. Before I knew it I was out.


I think i’m still sleeping. Wait is that Lisa I hear???

“He also has a black eye” she said repeatedly.

I open my eyes quick “Dad” I shouted “ what happened to you”

My hair messed up and my eyes are soo droopy i’m surprised they aren’t touching the floor. I am soo confused I can’t hear or understand what anyone is saying. they're all talking at once. My little sister savannah is sleeping on the couch with my little brother tristan. I’m actually quite surprised that they haven’t woke up. Clothes all over on the floor, food boxes everywhere, sheets are all messed up. Yea I don’t think the cleaning lady is gonna like us. Wait what am I doing I need to focus what happened to my daddy.

As everyone walked out I looked at my dad. His eye was black and blue.
He had his arm in a sling; he looked like he was dieing. I was scared, worried, shocked. He started crying and asked me to give him his pills. To see him cry made me cry too. Fritchy had shared a room with my dad all week and he was telling me what had happen.

He started talking in his softish voice. “Me and your dad had went on a ride with the snowmobiles and then he started going faster almost 100 mph and and then there was a turn full of ice and my dad had pressed on the brake and the snowmobile and had slid, then the snowmobile rolled over my dad. Sent him flying into a tree.”

They brang him to the medical center there (which isn’t that big). They said everything was fine. Just gave him some pills.

My dad started talking to me and saying he felt like he was gonna die. If he does die he wanted me to know that he loves me and the kids. I started crying but I knew I had to be strong. Why now?? Why me???. I sat there staring at the ceiling not even saying anything back. I think he knew I was scared. He probably wanted to hug me but he could even move his head without whining.


“Angela!” loudly my dad called my name I woke up in shock.

“Yes?” I said back with a soft yet irritated, tired voice .

“Help me get up, I think I would feel better in the shower,” dad almost demanding me.

“Ok I guess.” I didn’t even question him.

I got up and went to his side of the bed lifted him up. He sat there and looked up at me. His face I can’t explain exactly how it looked all I know was it wasn’t a good vibe it gave off, kinda sad. Out of no where he started choking, his face looked as though it was no big deal. He couldn’t breathe his eyes rolled back.

“FRITCHY!!!!” I shouted with fear in my voice.

Frittchy ran to me. “Should I go get Chris???” I said leaving anyway. BANG! BANG! Chris opening the door.

“Yes???” he said half asleep. Like nothing had happened an hour ago.

“My dad he’s not breathing!” I said back in my room. When I got back my dad was awake and sitting up. “aahhh.” I said with relief in my voice.

After laying him back down we all went to sleep. The next day going back to the medical center. Apparently they x-rayed the wrong arm and got everything wrong. I was mad but happy they got it now. He had a dislocated shoulder, 4 broken ribs, his liver was split in half, and a hole in his lung. I still can’t believe they missed all that.

2 years later……..Now my dad and everyone tells me that if it weren’t for me being there making sure he didn't overdose on pills, and taking care of him he would have died. I look back and think how lucky I am to have a dad that can survive all that and still be here today taking care of all of us kids. Being a single dad he is an excellent father.

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