Christmas break of 2012 | Teen Ink

Christmas break of 2012

January 15, 2014
By Anonymous

It was winter break and it was the day after Christmas, Angel and I went over to our grandparents and my sister went with my grandma to Tennessee so it was just me and my grandpa most of the time. When Angel and my grandma had left, I went over to my cousins house right up the road. We went sledding. It was fun. After that Tori and I went back to my grandparents and we had hot cocoa and we hung out it my room that I had over there.

“Kayla, why don’t you come over often?” she asked me.

“Well because I moved with my dad and I don’t come over here a lot even though I would love to move back” I told her.
She nodded. We asked my grandpa if she could spend the night, he said that she could so we walked to her house and got her things.

“When we get back you want to build a fort?” she asked as we approached her house door.

“Sure….” I was interrupted when we walked in because Tori’s two younger sisters came running to us.

“What are you guys doing?” asked Nadilyn.
“I’m spending the night over there” Tori said then we walked to their room.
“That not fair” Calyssa said folding her arms and followed us. Calyssa is the youngest and Tori is the oldest. “Why can’t we come wid you?”
“Sorry Calyssa but Tori is more my age and we want to hang out” I said giving her a hug as we walked out the door. As we walked back we started talking about what we got for Christmas and about school.

When we got done building the fort we hung out in there for a while. After a little bit my grandpa said that he was going to go pick up some pizza and he will be back soon, then he left. Tori and I played “darkness” a game that we created years ago and still like to play.
“Kayla! Watch out behind you” Tori screamed. I turned around to see that a demon was coming toward me and I jumped out of the way.
“Thanks that was close” I said wiping my head. The game is based on our imaginations. The rules have been created as we play and are always changing. Outsider’s might consider it really strange.
When my grandpa came back with the pizza we stopped playing the game and ate. While we were eating we were talking about the game that we were playing and talking about sledding earlier. We talked about how it was funny that we kept making a train of of sleds and going down as a group.

“We should do that again” Tori said taking another bite of pizza.

“I know, we should. That was really fun” I told her taking a sip of my hot cocoa. “Hey so do you wanna build a snowman tomorrow?”

“Yes!” she cheered “That is a good idea and we could build forts and have a snowball fight too.” We kept talking about random stuff and kept eating our pizza and drinking our hot chocolate.

We were inside our fort that we had made when my grandpa asked us if we wanted to go out to eat in the morning and we told him that we would like to. After that he went to his chair and we went back into our fort. We talked more about the game that we were playing. It’s confusing but we still wanted to play it no matter what.

“How is it possible that we can’t hear them in our real world?” Tori asked.

“Well they don’t have good hearing, only they can hear us if we are some what near them so that they know where we are which I think is dumb because we can’t hear them or even tell where they are until they come out” I whispered while grinding my teeth. The game that we play is very complicated and no one could really understand it like Tori, Sydney, Tyler, Maddie, and I can.

“When are we going to go back?” Tori said.

“Shhh! We can’t have certain people to find out remember?” I whispered looking out the fort to make sure that my grandpa didn’t hear. “And maybe before we leave to go build snowman’s tomorrow”. After that we continued what we were doing and going on with our night. I told her so many times to be quiet about it so no one would know, so many times, ugh it’s hurting my head! I thought.

It was about 10:00 when we started watching a movie that was on t.v and we also popped popcorn and finished our hot chocolate from a little bit earlier. As we were watching the movie it started snowing again, I wanted there to be a lot of snow so that we could build a big snowman and have a lot of snow for the snowball fight.

“Are Nadilyn and Calyssa going to join us?” Tori asked.

“Only if they want to or if we’re over there” I told her. She nodded and turned her head back to the t.v and watched the movie while I looked outside and watched Ellie and NIke, the dogs, run around in the snow.

When we woke up we got dressed and left to go out to eat. When we got back we went outside so that we could have a snowball fight and build snowman. We didn’t go up to Tori’s house, we decided to stay at my grandpa’s. After that we came and played the game so more. That’s mostly what we did until she went back home and I spent the rest of my time with my grandpa.

That’s how my Christmas break went, and to tell you, it was so much fun. I really want to do it again because I was away from my sister and my house. I also got to spend time with my grandpa and my cousin. I never had a break like that before and so it was a great experience for me.

The author's comments:
It is something that had actually happened during Christmas break.

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