Is That a Bird? Is that a Plane? No, its My Mom! | Teen Ink

Is That a Bird? Is that a Plane? No, its My Mom!

April 27, 2014
By Isabel_Stonis BRONZE, Mount Kisco, New York
Isabel_Stonis BRONZE, Mount Kisco, New York
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you never CHASE your dream, You will never CATCH it."

Our society thinks of heroes as people in skin tight suits and capes who save the world. But not me. I believe that a hero is someone who makes an impact on your life, a person who does what they can no matter what to help you and themselves. That is why my hero is my mom. When I look at her I see an amazing, overworked, and most of all gorgeous woman with lots of flaws that make her who she is. She does her best to raise her three children and that’s why I admire her. Before, I never realized this.

A couple of years ago, when I was eleven my stunning Mom with silky brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that make me feel protected, was in a bad place. She’d go out every night with her friends instead of dealing with her problems. I would constantly tell her how I felt but she would never listen. One night when she went out, I remember sitting at home in my bedroom that was as dark as the night sky with tears in my eyes hoping she would walk through the door. I texted her over and over again, but there was no response. Even when she did respond she would say “Okay I’ll be home soon.” But that wasn’t enough for me. In the morning I would eagerly run down stairs only to find and an empty bed.

But my mom did the right thing. She sent me and my sisters away to the amazing New York so that we could be with my dad. In that year she got better, She never drinks or even goes out anymore and that makes me happy. When I think about my mom I don't remember the bad parts, only the good ones, like when she’d blast the car with country music and sing very loudly to it. Those are the parts I remember with love.

I now live by myself with my dad. My sisters moved back to be with my mom in the beautiful, yet hot, Louisiana. And here I am, just me and my dad. Alone. We constantly run into things that remind me of my mom and sisters. No phone call can fix my broken heart. Eventually I will be back with my hero and everything will be alright. Throughout all this, I learned that everyone makes mistakes but it takes being a big person to actually fix them. And most importantly I learned that no guy in a cape and mask can even compare to my hero, my mom.

I believe that a hero is someone who makes an impact on your life, a person who does what they can no matter what to help you and themselves. Everyone in their life needs someone who will be there for them. A person who will go to the ends of the earth just to make sure you are okay. No one can do everything for themselves; we all need someone to lean on. We all need a hero.

This I Believe.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was well my mom. I love her to death and i jest want people to know how much she means to me. :)

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This article has 3 comments.

on May. 1 2014 at 9:18 pm
Isabel_Stonis BRONZE, Mount Kisco, New York
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you never CHASE your dream, You will never CATCH it."


Yerimar said...
on May. 1 2014 at 9:10 pm
Yerimar, Bedford Hills, New York
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
There will be haters, there will be doubters, there will be non-believers, and then there will be you, proving them WRONG!

I knew you could make it .. I just knew it!! "Isabelijelly" made it !! Your an amazing writer ! Ily P.S your right heroes don't have to be in capes ( my hero is my motha too ) "Ilysm" Keep it up!!

on May. 1 2014 at 8:43 pm
I knew you could make it !! "Isabelijelly" keep it up ily! P.S emotional story !! Your right heroes don't have to be in capes My hero - my motha !!! "Ilysm"