The Love I Met in a Day | Teen Ink

The Love I Met in a Day

May 5, 2014
By almichelle2014 BRONZE, Charlotte, Michigan
almichelle2014 BRONZE, Charlotte, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"fear is swallowing us, engulfing us in his grasp over our souls."


The day was hot and muggy; the seat was covered with sweat as I looked down at my phone. Still no text messages. I looked up and out the window just wondering where my life was going as a freshman at Charlotte High School. Who would I become? The end of the year was coming soon and I was worried about getting held back while all the other kids in my grade were moving on.

I sat looking out the window for a long time then I looked up and looked at him. His skin was tan and when he looked up his eyes were beautiful. The most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. I had to get a closer look. So I hopped over to his seat and sat down right next to him. I looked over at him. He was an angel, well looked like one.

“Hey. I’m Alyssa.” I smiled my cute little smile that all the boys fell for but he didn’t look up. I looked over at him. He had headphones in listening to a rap song. I pulled out the head phones and he looked over at me. I nearly fell off the seat when he looked over at me. His eyes were so beautiful. Even in person they looked lovelier than ever. I couldn’t say a word at all. He just was so breathtaking.

The sun shined in his eyes making them sparkle like small diamonds. I was falling in love with him, but I didn’t know his name. I didn’t know him.

He replied in a rude tone, “Hey. Do you mind? I was listening to that!” his voice was so soothing to me. I loved sitting there with him even though neither of us knew who we were. I loved that the most. It was like a love story from Nicholas Sparks where girl meets boy and falls in endless love and run away in the sun set, we’ve all heard that story, but no one has heard this story.

“My names Alyssa, I noticed you were sitting alone.” He looked at me and said, “Yeah. I like to sit alone. Why did you sit with me?” I looked over at him and replied, “You looked lonely so I decided to sit with you.” I smiled that cute little smile when I flirt, but I didn’t have to try hard to flirt with him.

He was breath taking and his voice was putting a spell on my heart that made me fall for him instantly. It was love at first sight.

We talked the whole way until the bus came to a stop and he said “well this is my stop.” “you’re leaving already?!” I stated with a sad tone. I gave him my number and he gave me his. I was heartbroken to see him leave the bus.

“you got my number, text me.”

As soon as he got off the bus I sank into the seat where he was sitting and couldn’t believe I was just talking to him. It felt like a dream.

The bus arrived at my house shortly after dropping him off at his stop. I got off and walked to my house with my heart beating hard in my chest and my mind still wondering if it was all real or was it just in my head.

I stepped inside my house and walked to my room to set down my stuff and lay on my bed before starting my chore for the week. I was laying there still thinking it was all a dream when my phone went off from a text message. It was from him.

“Hay.” I bit my lip as I said “Hey.” back to him. “What you doing?” “Nothing, laying on my bed.” “Cool.” “Yeah. What are you doing?” “About to BMX with my friends.” “Want me to let you go?” “it’ll be just a little bit.” “Okay. Oh I didn’t catch your name.” “It’s Kade.” “Oh I like your name.” “Thanks. Got to go bye.” “Bye.”

Where is me and Kade now you might ask… well we have been dating since June 24th ,2011 and we are about to hit our 3 year anniversary on June 24th,2014 and we are planning on having more years together.

The author's comments:
my boyfriend Kade, because we have been through a lot and i felt i had to share our story with the world.

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