Flyin Solo | Teen Ink

Flyin Solo

May 30, 2014
By ckelly118 BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
ckelly118 BRONZE, Niles, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was February 2009 when my Aunt Eileen came over to my house. We were talking about what I wanted for my birthday that year. My birthday has always been on spring break so I considered it my birth week. This year my family couldn’t go anywhere together because my brother had baseball. So my Aunt Eileen thought it would be fun to go on a trip just us two. One of the places I had always wanted to visit was The Big Apple, New York City. So thats where we decided to go. I was very excited to be going to New York for my birthday. But then she told me that she was going to be in New York for work the week before my spring break. She wanted me to meet her their. This meant I would have to fly there by myself. I was a bit freaked out. I was only 11 at the time. My mom said that either I fly by myself or I don’t go. She wasn’t going to make Eileen fly home to just fly right back. I gave myself a week to think about it but I knew that I had to fly alone.
I have always tried to push myself out of my comfort zone. Otherwise, I know that I will never do so many things that I want to do in my life. Flying by myself was just going to make me a more confident person. So, I told her that I would go by myself and meet her there. I felt like such a grown up. Like by going to New York I was going to be Carrie Bradshaw, in Sex and the City. I packed my suitcase almost three weeks in advance and repacked it multiple times. I wanted to look my best in the big city.
It was March 22, 2009, the day of my departure. I had barely slept that night. I woke up at 6am and put on my skirt and boots so I would look classy on the plane. My parents drove me to the airport for my 8am flight. My mom walked me into O’hare, Airport and led me to the American Airline security check. Then we said our goodbyes and I was on my own. Getting through security was actually a lot faster then I thought it was going to be for spring break week. I very easily found my gate and just kind of hung around my myself for about an hour. I remember buying a lemonade at Starbucks since I don’t like coffee. I felt like a just needed to be holding something. I read my magazine and waited to board the plane.
On the plane I sat next to a business looking man and a very fashionable woman. This just made me want to get to New York faster. The flight was only about 2 hours. I arrived at LaGuardia Airport a little after 11am New York time. I remember walking with everyone else to the exit. I was just kind of following everyone else to get out. I found my Aunt Eileen holding a sign that said “Kelly”. It already felt great being in New York. She had a car pick us up and we headed back to the hotel.
The week ended up being as fabulous as I had pictured it. My Aunt Eileen travels to New York all the time for work so she really knows her way around. We hit all the major tourist attractions. The Empire State Building, Times Square, Broadway, Central Park, Chinatown and so many more. We walked miles and took the subway all over. Even over to Brooklyn for dinner one night. There is something magical about New York City. Just by being there you feel like you can do anything and be anyone you want. I’d have to say it was one of the best vacations I have ever been on.
After coming home a week later I realized that none of that would have happened if I hadn't had the courage to go by myself. I think that that vacation in itself has made to want to see more of the world. I now want to travel all over and see everything. I think that I have the courage to go by myself if needed. I have looked into studying abroad in college and can’t wait. I’m even considering going to college in New York. Since going to Manhattan in 2009 I have been back many time and I have flown by myself to other places in the USA. I felt really proud of myself for doing something that I wouldn’t have requested myself and wasn’t totally comfortable with. Flying by myself ending up being a great decision. Now I can’t wait till I get to travel to my next destination.

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