Cancer really sucks, doesn't it? | Teen Ink

Cancer really sucks, doesn't it?

June 30, 2014
By Anonymous

I don't know how to start this. Hi?

Okay so yeah. My dad has stage 4 Colon Cancer.Big shocker to my family at first and it still is.He was diagnosed in January and right now its late July. At the beginning all of my family went into depression.Serious depression. At least all the people who were old enough and lived with us went through it.Even my dad. Sadly his was the worst. We steadily made it through weeks and weeks of torment and things . In mid March My dad's depression got worse , really bad, to the point where a doctor came in and a told him because he was such in bad condition he had two weeks at the most to live. I think that was the point where we all snapped out of our mini depressions and all went in to help my dad. Again it's late June and look at that he's alive and happy and almost back too his old self.It's hard and it still is especially knowing that one day he will be killed by this. He will grow a resistance form Chemo and that will happen and one day POOF he will just be gone and it breaks my heart to know this but i do, sadly. But I want everyone to that I'm okay and you will be to.Stay strong and maybe it seems like the worst thing at the moment{which it is} but it will be over soon.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece to show others that it's gonna be okay in life,maybe not now but soon.

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