My Grandma, My inspiration | Teen Ink

My Grandma, My inspiration

September 5, 2014
By zach1023 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
zach1023 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She may walk around with a limp now, but she is getting stronger. She is the strongest person I have ever met in my life. She is always wearing her birkenstock slippers to wherever she goes. She still dies her hair to a perfect color that fits her the best. Always in a good mood when she is around people, and she always treats other the best way possible. My Grandma Judy is ** years old, and still going strong. She is that kind of person that will support you in any of your decision in your life. No matter what they are. When I looked at the ringing phone and see her name on the caller ID, I’m so happy that I get to listen to one of her stories about a sports team. She called a lot during the Chicago Blackhawks playoff run last year. Always asking if I say that goal, pass, hit, or save by whoever it was. She does this because she know Patrick Kane is my favorite player, and I am obsessed with the Chicago Blackhawks. I’m so glad to be able to call her my Grandma.


My Grandma Judy is one of the most lively people I know to this day. Always having a huge smile on her face. On holidays when we go over to her house or she comes over to ours, and she or myself walks through the door and see her face, it always has some kind of smile on her face or laughing at something. When we are having dinner together, as a family, and nobody is talking. She will be the person to break the silence between us, and say something random to get people to start talking because that is what she likes to do. On Christmas we spend it with each other every year and before all of the kids get to open their presents we all have to sing a christmas song or put on some kind of performance. During Christmas time me and my siblings have to sing a christmas song. That’s because my Grandma is so happy, and wants everybody to be happy and she knows that those kinds of things will make you happy. Another activity that we do together is play ping pong and bags together. She always puts up a good fight in both of those, but I always end up beating her. Then she always asks,” have you been practicing or something? I don’t remember you being that good.”

I always say yes to make her feel better that she is right.


My Grandma Judy is one of the funniest people I know. There’s one thing that she always says to me and my siblings, she says,”You have to stop growing you are my grandbabies, and I want you to stop growing”. Whenever she says that I always get happy inside and a smile always grows on my face because of her. When she was my age they didn’t have those fancy phone or computers, this generation of kids grew up with this new type of technology, the people that didn’t get the chance to grow up with it have to adapt to the new living environment. Which may be harder for some people, like my Grandma. Whenever she come over she always has a new question about her Iphone or her Ipad. They may be very easy questions or some that I don’t even know the answer to, but I still try to fix it to make her happy. One time I was on her phone because she asked me to look something up for her on her phone, and I accidentally put her phone on vibrate instead of on sound. A couple of days later she calls my and asks,” What did you do to my phone, when people call or text me I can’t hear it so I missed a bunch of calls? What do I do?”

I explained,” All you have to do is push the little bar on the top left of of your phone.”

She responded,”Are you kidding me! That’s all I had to do!”

I said,” Ya Haha”. That was the funniest conversations that I have ever had with someone and I’m glad that is was with my grandma. Every time that she is over, and we are hanging out with each other, she will always make me laugh and I will always make her laugh. Those are the moments that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

She may be the strongest people that I know living on this earth. So has gone through so much throughout her life. My grandpa and grandpa have been in the hospital a lot in the past couple of years. She was really strong when her husband was in the hospital. She knew that she had to be strong and believe that he was going to be okay in the end. When we came and visited her she always had a smile on her face and looked extremely happy when we got there to visit my grandpa in the hospital. Those were some tough times for our family because my grandpa was in the hospital for almost a year. My grandma was with my grandpa in the hospital everyday to be there for him, and whenever we came and visited him she was always there. One day my family and I were visiting him in the hospital and we were all gathered around his bed. We were all playing cards at the time and my dad knows that I don’t like shots so as I was shuffling the cards, he grabbed one of my grandpas empty shots that didn’t have a needle in it and stuck it on my arm. Right as, I saw that it was a shot I freaked out and threw the cards everywhere. Everyone started laughing at me, then I looked at my grandpas face and he had a huge smile on his face and it was a smile on his face that I haven’t seen in a long time.

Then my grandma said,” you know that there wasn’t a needle on the shot.Right?”

I responded out of breathe,” Not at the time, I didn’t.”

My grandpa is in great shape at the time and he’s is doing what he loves, and that is being a cook and my grandma is supporting him every step of the way. Recently my Grandma had hip surgery because she was having a hard time getting around. After her surgery, we went and visited her and one of her friends were visiting her at the time also. Her friend started telling me my sister and brother stories about us when we were little and my grandma was laying on her bed remembering all of those memories like it was yesterday.

Everybodies life has some bumps in the road, and you have to be able to get passed that. She has dealt with the hand she was dealt for her life and she is now living her life in greatness.Those moments that I share with all of my family, when we are together are the events in my life that I will remember for the rest of my life, and in the next one. She has changed me as a person and I’m glad that she was able to do that. My grandma is one of the funniest, strongest, and the most lively person that I know, and I’m so happy to be able to call her my grandma.                                                               

The author's comments:

My grandma means a lot to me and we are very close to each other

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