DAT House | Teen Ink

DAT House

September 30, 2014
By harrypotter1234 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
harrypotter1234 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Soon we will have to choose what is right, and what is easy" - Albus Dumbledore

Do you like helping people? Many people do. Helping the homeless especially. The Bremen Church of God do that every year for one week. In a place called Dat House.

Two years ago The Bremen Church of God went down to Indianapolis for a weekend. They couldn't go for a week because they had school. Well it was a weekend in March and for two or three people it was their first time going. It was going to be a fun week.

The church left at about noon for the two to three hour long drive. None of the youth that were going to, and to their surprise, cleaning out an abandoned strip club. Once they got their everyone was tired and wanted to walk around. Well they weren’t allowed to because they didn’t know their way around and they were in a dangerous part of the city. Houses didn’t have doors, broken windows, and un-cut grass.

They set up their stuff in the house they were staying at and their pastor explained what they were doing to be doing. They all were excited. They walked to the building and walked inside. The place was obliterated . There was c**p everywhere, it was dusty and hot in there. They got handed a hammer and a mask for the dust. They started. It was very hard and tiring work for the group. They crashed, banged, and crunched over nails and wood while they were there.

About 3 hours later of hard work it was time to go eat. They went back to the house and ate. They ate potatoes and and turkey. They sat around and talked and played some board games. “Great job today guys” said Pastor Bryan. He was very proud of the group.

The next day they went to the laundromat and paid for peoples laundry. It was another long day and their last day there. It was around 7 PM when they went to Steak and Shake for dinner and then they were ready to leave. The church was happy and they were already ready for next year.

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