Your Sights | Teen Ink

Your Sights

November 2, 2014
By Anonymous

I think the word to describe me is conservative. I’m not shy, I raise my hand in class, but I like to keep my ideas or comments  to myself, so they won’t be trashed by other people. I hate getting unwanted attention. Like, on the first day of school when the teachers take roll call. I wait until they come to the U’s and wait for my name to get butchered. One time my Basketball coach thought my name was pronounced Hi, because he thought the J in my name was silent, like in Spanish.
I can give you so many instances when I would like to tell a person my funny jokes regarding a person’s name or attitude or that they are wrong.  But, sometimes,my mouth will get me in trouble.Like the time I got a box of chocolates for Christmas.
It all started with the annual trip to Lake Tahoe with  my neighbors. Let me just tell you, their youngest son is a nuisance, because he makes sarcastic nicknames about me like, Jai Nye the Science Guy and The Beauty and the Jai. I personally hate going there because we go four days before my birthday and return one day before my birthday and I hate the snow. I don’t hate the snow because it is cold or icy, I just don’t like waddling about in the snow with four layers of clothing.Car rides are the things that I despise the most, because they are so long, boredom washes over me, and who likes sitting in a car for 7 hours (without the traffic)? This already starts me in a bad mood, and my vacation hasn’t even started.
During that vacation, my neighbor gave me a Christmas present.  “Here you go, Jai Nye the Science Guy,” he calls, giving me a Christmas present. I’m pretty sure his parents made him give me a present, because he hates me. I always call him Shortie (because he is short and Baldie when he gets a haircut).He turns and walks away as if he is embarrassed to give me a present, then giving my sister hers. Now I feel terrible that I didn’t give him anything for Christmas, but oh well, he probably wants something basketball related. I start to open my snowflake-wrapped present in front of him, but as I do, my mom starts scolding me, saying it was bad manners. We head back to our hotel room, I start to notice my present looks a bit bigger than my sister’s. As I start to open my present, I look over at my sister to see what she got. My 9-year-old sister got a necklace, with a golden “M” charm. I look at my present and I immediately know he is mocking me.I got a box of  See’s chocolates. I like chocolate, but only dark chocolate, and there was only two pieces of dark chocolate, so I decide to eat it. It tasted horrible.
Later, my sister asks him,“ Why did you give my sister a get me a box of chocolates?” He says he was going to get me a book, but he couldn’t find one in the gift store. He knows I love to read, but I think I deserved something much more classier. Those box of chocolates are still on top of my fridge.
I also tend to make jokes regarding a person’s name or attitude,which can usually be a comic relief, but sometimes it might get me in trouble.
During the summer I was going to fifth grade, I was taking basketball lessons with my friends. School was beginning to start so there were maintenance crews cleaning out the bathroom, blacktop, and teachers starting to rearrange their classrooms.The sun shining, the huge field to run on in P.E.,  the cozy homey feel when its raining, and the constant thumping of the basketball in recess are the things that I miss the most during the summer.  My friends and I were taking a break from our basketball lesson and were walking past the bathrooms. I saw that the doors of the bathrooms were open and immediately came up with a dare. I dared my friends to go inside the boys bathroom. I ask my friend Kaitlyn, the boy attractor of our group, who will do anything to receive attention, and she reluctantly agrees. As we start to head inside the granite tiled bathroom, an overloaded smell of cleaning supplies and dirty water fill the air. As I start to look around, I start to notice that the boys bathroom is much bigger than the girls’. There was a narrow hallway that lead to the bathroom. The mirrors looked shiny and clean, unnatural for the boys bathroom. Then, there were two steps that lead to stalls. The urinals were facing the opposite from the stalls. But one thing  that really pi**ed me off  was that there were six places to go if you need the bathroom. The girls bathroom always had a long line of people, and there were only two bathrooms that we could use. “ Kaitlyn this is not fair, how come we can’t get a bigger bathroom,” I asked. “ Jai, am I a physiatrists?” she asked. “ No,” I reply. “ Then why are you telling me all of your problems.”she fires back. Kaitlyn and I  quickly started to tip-toe out of the bathroom, so we wouldn’t get caught by the cleaners.
After that little incident, my friends and I decide to walk around the school a little more. As we head to the fourth grade classrooms, we notice our old teachers. Mr. Thompson, my fourth grade teacher notices us in his bermuda shorts and hawaiian shirt. He starts to ask us questions about our summer and if we were excited about fifth grade. “ It prepares you a lot for sixth grade. Speeches, switching classes on Friday,long term projects, and boot camp.” he says. Which it did, we barely got any homework in sixth grade. “You know we have two new teachers in fourth grade this year, Mrs. Mizerak and Mr. Papoulias.” Mr. Papoulias was a kindergarten teacher, but he had always wanted to teach the big kids something. He loves me, I’m not kidding. In fourth grade, he noticed my profound ability to play soccer and has been favoring me ever since. “ Mrs. Mizerak has come here from New York,” Mr. Thompson said. It looked like it too, she had caramel shoulder length hair, pale skin, oval glasses, red collar neck blouse paired with a pink frilly skirt in high 70’s temperature. Then it hit me, Mrs. Mizerak makes people miserable. 
And guess what I did? I told it to all of my friends in front of Mr.Thompson. “What did you say Jai?” All of my friends glance at me and shake their head.
“ I’m sorry Mr.Thompson, I didn’t mean to say it. Words just slip out of my mouth. I am truly sorry.”
“ You better be,” he tells me in a stern voice. “Now go say sorry to her,” he says, leading me toward the direction to Room 9.
I haven’t even met her, and I’ve already made her my enemy.
“ Susie, Susie,” he calls into the bear classroom,“ that was weird, she was here a minute ago.Well I’ll tell her next time.” He started looking under the desk and into the other classrooms, to see if she was there.
“ Mr. Thompson, please no, please don’t do that,” tears were brimming my eyes. “Please no, I know I was disrespectful, but please don’t tell her,” I was begging this time. I was trembling in front of the plain whiteboard, on my knees. The carpet bearing into my skin as I grasped a firmer grip on the floor ,waiting for his decision.
  “ He looks at me with pleading eyes,” Ok, but please refrain from saying anything that will hurt someone’s feelings, you hurt mine’s too.”
“Ok,” I say pleading.” “Thank you,” I say. But, I do have to say that she did assign a lot of homework and was very strict. She assigned homework daily, sometimes on the weekends too! She barely let anyone socialize in her class, screamed when she got angry, but was level headed most of the time.
I think I will be able to come over my habit of being a little conservative, but not now. Sometimes,I should just keep my mouth quiet, the better for the good.There is so much time left, and now is the only time I will play the “I’m only 13” card.There are so many people you can judge. You think they are geeky, pretty, or fashionable, but will never get to know them because you are scared of what people will think of you or your social status.Ask my friend, to them I am: self centered,funny, and caring. This is how I might look on the inside, but to many people I look just the same as them. I guess for now I’ll open up a little, just for the sake of my grades.

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This article has 1 comment.

ShuviTheGeek said...
on Nov. 6 2014 at 12:35 am
ShuviTheGeek, Cupertino, California
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Great job!