A Day in the Life of a White Girl | Teen Ink

A Day in the Life of a White Girl

December 2, 2014
By whiteguuurl06 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
whiteguuurl06 BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Diary Entry: A Day in the Life of a “White Girl”
Have you ever heard the phrase “That’s so white girl” or seen the tag on Instagram or Facebook  “#whitegirl?” Well, today on Diary Entry Central, you can probably tell by the title, this diary entry was written by a “White Girl.” Let me give you some background information on these “White Girls.” Apparently these days there’s a new stereotype called a “White Girl.” She seems to like Uggs, Pink yoga pants, and a whole lot of Starbucks. When I say Pink you probably think of the color. Well it has nothing to do with the color, in fact it’s a very expensive brand by Victoria’s Secret. They love to take selfies on Snapchat of them and their Starbucks, doing the “duck face”, than post them on Instagram. Oh, how the times have changed. Well, let’s get to that diary entry.
Dear Diary,
Let me just start off by saying this is going to be a pretty long entry. I have to start at the beginning of the day. The date is It all started with Chrissy banging on my door at eight in the morning.
“Nicole! What in the world are you still doing in bed?” Chrissy was standing in the doorway all dressed up and ready to go. She had her Ugg boots and her Pink yoga leggings on. She had her hair all curled and her makeup was all done.
It’s Saturday, so I just figured I would sleep in, go get Starbucks, and watch the new Channing Tatum movie with Chrissy, Stacy, and Brittney later.
“What are you talking about? It’s Saturday, it’s 8 in the morning, and I’m tired, so I’m obviously sleeping.” My eyes were half shut, and I looked absolutely terrible. I hate letting people see me when I look bad, even my closest friends.
“Oh my lanta Chrissy! Don’t you remember we’re going to the mall today?”
“Ugh, that’s right.” I (being the blonde I am) had completely forgotten.  But I mean this time I had an excuse. There had been a huge party the night before at Kate’s. I didn’t get home until like 4 in the morning. I just wanted to sleep so bad.
  “Get out of bed!” She came over to my bed, ripped off my sheets, and dragged me to the bathroom. She turned on the water and forced me to shower. “Holy crap Nicole, you look like you had too much fun last night. Now you get in there and come get me when you’re done.” She went into my room and turned on a repeat of Pretty Little Liars. 
I washed and conditioned my hair, and did all the usual stuff I do in the shower. I threw a towel on my head, wrapped one around my body, and still half-asleep walked into my room. I stood in the doorway for a few seconds as Chrissy and I just stared at each other.
“Dude, you need to hurry up, we still have to pick up Stacy and Brittney.” She got up off of my bed and helped me find something to wear. I sat down, she pulled a Northface jacket, my favorite Pink yoga’s (which were surprisingly clean) and made me put them on. I slowly put on the outfit she picked out for me.
“Girl. You need to move way faster than that. You know the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back at Starbucks?” That suddenly perked me up a little bit. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are my most favorite thing in that whole place.
“Ok I’m going as fast as I can. I have such a bad headache.” All that partying the night before really affected me.
“Alright! We can grab you some Ibuprofen on the way. You’re doing your makeup in the car. Go blow-dry quick so we can leave.”  I went to the bathroom, plugged in my hair dryer and dried my hair.
“Nicole! Are you almost done in their?” She was in my room still watching Pretty Little Liars.
“Yes Chrissy, just a couple of minutes.” It was going to be at least ten minutes, but I figured she wouldn’t notice. I mean she was watching her favorite show. Time flies when you’re watching your favorite show.
I finish blow-drying my hair and ran a brush through it a few times. I love having straight hair. You don’t have to waste your time straightening it. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked into my room. 
“Come on Chrissy, let’s go.” I was almost fully awake by now but I still had the worst headache.
“Alright. Got your makeup?”
“Yes, I just need my purse and Uggs and we can get going.” Chrissy shut the TV off and we walked into the kitchen.
“Grab me some Ibuprofen.” Chrissy brought me over the pills and a glass of water. I took the pills, put my boots on, grabbed my purse, and walked out the door. We got into Chrissy’s car and drove to Brittney’s house.
“I love your new car Chrissy!” Chrissy had just gotten a new Bug for her birthday a couple days ago.
“Thanks Nic.” Nic is my nickname. All my friends call me that except Stacy, she thinks it sounds too much like a guy name.
“Um Chrissy?”
“Yeah Nic?”
“That light was red.”
“Oh, whoopsies!”
“God Chrissy, you’re such a blonde.” Chrissy isn’t actually blonde. She has red hair, but she acts like one all the time.
“Park right there.”
“Nicole. You know I can’t parallel park.” It’s true Chrissy is terrible at parallel parking. She found a different spot to park in, and parked.
“Come on Nic. Don’t think you’re just gonna stay in here while I go get them.”
“Ugh.” I didn’t see the point in me coming with but she insisted I did. Brittney lives in her own apartment in the middle of Long Island City. It’s so crowded and so expensive, I don’t know why she likes it here.
“Brittney, Stacy!” We just walk right in without knocking.
“Hey girlies!” Brittney was looking terrific. She had her ripped skinny jeans on with her three inch Nero Vitalli heels and her leather jacket she always has on.
“Stacy, oh my god I love your shirt!” She had a gray sweater with Pink spelled out on the front.
“Aw, thanks Nicole. I love your jacket!”
“Thanks Bae!” I knew she was lying because she doesn’t like Northface. But I kindly accepted the so-called compliment.
“Alright ladies, what do you say we get going? We got a big day ahead of us.” Chrissy always wants to leave right away.
“Ok, let me grab my purse.” Brittney grabbed her purse, and we all went out to Chrissy’s car.
“Nic, turn on the radio.”
“Oh my god! I love this song!” We all yelled that at the same time. “That’s What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction came on. We all sang along to it until we finally reached our destination, Starbucks. When we got there it was packed. After standing in line for twenty minutes we finally got to the front counter.
“Hi, what can I get you?” The girl working was a complete witch. She appeared to be about eighteen (my age.) She had black hair and talked just like Nicki Minaj. She acted like she was better than everybody and that she hated her job. Her makeup was so tacky, it looks like she picked it up from the dollar store and threw it on ten minutes before work.
“Yeah, I’ll have one Pumpkin Spice Latte.”
“4.78.” I gave her a five and she handed me the change. She brought me my latte and she didn’t even say “Have a nice day” or “Thanks, come again” she just said “Next.”
When we were done getting our drinks, we all got back into Chrissy’s car.
“Um, did anybody else think that girl had horrible customer service?” Stacy obviously wasn’t satisfied either.
“Tell me about it! I just wanted to rip those hair extensions right out of her head!” I would say Chrissy is the most violent out of all of us.
“Yeah, did you guys see how tacky her makeup was?” I was usually the one to notice someone’s makeup.
“Yes, but her voice? Oh my gosh, I wanted to punch her in the throat.” Like I said, Chrissy is violent. 
Anyway let me just skip ahead to the mall to where my day gets a little interesting.  We had just finished shopping at our second store, Forever 21. I bought the cutest top in the whole store. I had to put it on before I left that place. When we came out a really super cute blonde guy and I locked eyes.
“Ooooooh, Nicole!” Chrissy could really tell when I’ve spotted a cute guy.
When he started to walk over to me, my friends figured they would leave. He complimented my shirt. Of course I blushed, I always do.
“Thanks. It’s new.” I didn’t know what to say, and that’s just what came out.
“Hey, you got a bae? Or nah.” That made me laugh.
“No. How ‘bout you?” I definitely couldn’t stop smiling.
“Surprisingly no.”
I raised my eye brows. My smile faded a little. In my head I thought of one word, arrogant.
“Hey, you wanna maybe give me your number?”
“Sure.” I said that with a slight smile. He took out his phone, I told him my number, and we went to the next store. Victoria’s Secret.
I wasn’t really in the shopping mood today. All I got from my favorite store was a bottle of my favorite body mist, and some lip gloss. I think it was Chrissy’s goal to buy the whole store today, because she bought like three pairs of yoga pants, like five bottles of perfume, and like ten bras.
“Girls, I’m not really in the shopping mood today. Can we just go home, order a pizza, and watch The Notebook or something?” We had only been to three stores so far but I really just wanted to go home and chill.
“Only if we can get more Starbucks.” If there was anyone in the world the loved Starbucks more than me, it was Brittney.
“Alright, but who’s house are we going to?”
“Nicole’s.” Sometimes I think Brittney and Chrissy can read each other’s minds. They said that at the exact same time.
“Why is it always my house?”
“Because.” I think that’s Chrissy’s favorite word. She drives me crazy sometimes.
I rolled my eyes jokingly and smiled as we walked out of the mall to Chrissy’s car.
We got to her car, we all threw our bags in the trunk, and left.
“Oh! We need to stop at my house!”
“Brittney, it’s so hard to find a parking spot close to your apartment. What do you even need?”
“I need to feed Karma, and I might as well bring my bags home.” Karma is Brittney’s cat. She is the cutest little thing I ever did see.
“Dude, fine. Make it quick please.” Chrissy is super impatient.
“Hey Chrissy, if you can parallel park without hitting a car when we get to Brittney’s, I will let you pick the movie we watch, and even the pizza topping.” Every time we all watch a movie together, we pick one Chrissy hates just to mess with her.
“Oh you are on sister.” Chrissy must have at least a little faith in her parking.
We got to Brittney’s apartment and Chrissy found a spot to park. She pulled in slowly and before I knew it she had actually parallel parked.
“Oh my god Chrissy, you did it!” I was actually very surprised and proud.
“Heck yeah I did!” I could really tell she was surprised herself. Last time she tried to parallel park she backed into someone else’s car.
“Alright Britt, hurry up now.”
“Ok Chrissy.”
I swear Brittney was in and out of her apartment in five minutes flat. Usually when Brittney says “quick” she means “I’ll just take forever and not leave until one of the girls comes and gets me.”
“Wow Brittney, that was the quickest you’ve ever been in and out of your apartment.”
“Are you proud Nic?”
“Of course I am!”
“Alright ladies, let’s go to Nic’s and binge-watch us some Orange is the New Black for the rest of the day.” I had a pretty good feeling Chrissy would pick to watch that show.
  We got to my house. It was about one in the afternoon.
“OK. Stacy get the pizza guy on the phone and order whatever Chrissy tells you to. Brittney go out in the living room and turn on our show. Is this what we’re doing for the rest of the day?”
“I’m fine with that.”
“Ok, Stacy? Chrissy? Are you guys cool with this?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“I don’t care what we’re doing as long as I’m doing it with you guys.”
“Aw Chrissy. You’re so sweet.” This is why she’s my bestie.
To sum up the rest of my day, we basically sat on the couch and watched Orange is the New Black for until like ten o’clock. We did each other’s nails and ate our pizza we ordered. For dinner I don’t think we could’ve gotten any unhealthier. We had donuts, cheesecake, and Starbucks. Besides that I don’t think there are any more highlights about my day. I thought I would be sleeping until two in the afternoon, but instead Chrissy surprised me this morning and made my day a whole lot better. At the end of the night we all said our goodbyes and I watched all of my friends drive off into the big city.


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