The Struggles of Life | Teen Ink

The Struggles of Life

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Leo Buscagila once said “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God”. This quote makes me think of how everyone has a talent and that is what makes everyone different. I learned to be myself, when everyone elses shoes were already filled. I learned to accept and love myself. Much like I had to overcome my obstacle. Helen Keller, a blind, deaf child had to overcome her obstacle of not being able to communicate.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was just a small baby she got very sick, during the sickness she became blind and deaf. The Keller’s hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen  how to communicate. Annie was able to teach Helen trust, obedience, and language, so Helen could overcome her obstacle.
A lot like Helen I had to overcome my own obstacle. The obstacle I had to overcome was coming out as bisexual. I had to learn how to accept and love myself. In the process I became very depressed, I hated myself. I tried to “pray it away”. I finally found friends I could trust and rely on. When I built up the courage to come out I felt amazing, it was like I was a new person. Heck, I became myself , not the life of lies I was.
Although our obstacles are different we shared a few similarities. We both had to rely on a person or people. We both had fall outs, but in the end we were better than before. We both had to trust ourselves, even when no one was there for us.
Helen and I both had life changing obstacles we overcame. Helen’s experience taught me to never give up. I learned from mine no one can bring you more happiness than yourself. Helen Keller once said “The best and most beautiful things in the world can’t be seen or even touched - there must be felt in the heart”.

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