The Struggle of Language | Teen Ink

The Struggle of Language

December 5, 2014
By Donnie Watson BRONZE, Olnay, Illinois
Donnie Watson BRONZE, Olnay, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In life we all have struggles, but other people’s struggles can be better or worse than ours. When I was little I was a terrible reader and writer, I could not spell simple words and when I would read I would place words in the sentences that shouldn’t be there. I was especially bad at spelling I would do bad on the spelling test even though my mom and I would study for hours trying to learn the words. Much like what Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate I too had to overcome the obstacle of being bad at spelling and reading.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was a baby she got sick and became blind and deaf. To try to help Helen, the Keller’s hired Annie Sullivan to try to teach Helen simple things about life and language. In the end Annie was able to teach Helen much more than the Kellers had ever dreamed of, she taught her trust, obedience, and language. Helen was able to overcome the barrier of language, she did not let being blind and deaf ruin her life.
Like Helen Keller, I too had to overcome the an obstacle. Language is not my best subject I have always found it difficult and confusing. To overcome this my mom and I studied spelling and reading for hours, at the time I thought that it was pointless, I didn’t think that I would ever use those skills. Eventually I started understanding it but I still did not know why she wanted me to know the things that she was teaching me. Only now that I can look back at I can see how it was a good thing that my mom and I studied reading and spelling for so long.
Although our obstacles are different, they share many similarities, our main goal is very similar; Helens is to learn language, mine it to learn to read and spell words correctly. I had a hard enough time learning this, with Helen being blind and deaf I did not know how she did it. Part of the reason that we were able to both overcome our obstacles was because we both had good teachers, Helen had Annie,and I had my mom. Our struggles both dealt with learning to use language, the world revolves around communication and to become successful we both had to learn to use language properly.
Everyone that has ever lived and everyone that will ever live will have to face a struggle in their life, not everyone will overcome that struggle, but Helen and I did. We learned how to communicate better even though we did not want to learn. I had to learn to read and spell, Helen had to learn to communicate. I learned that even though something is hard at the time we have to keep at it and we have to keep at and be determined if we want to overcome it. Helen Keller once said, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision”. This means that when we were going through our struggle we both see what we were trying to learn, but at the time we could not see what it would be used for, we did not have the vision that she is referring to. Helen and I were not able to see how much that we both needed language, because at the time we did not have the capacity to have a vision, but language gave that to us, it lets us be able to see back and learn from the mistakes, hard times, and the obstacles that we have overcome.

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