Hard Times Get Better | Teen Ink

Hard Times Get Better

December 5, 2014
By Megan Garner BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
Megan Garner BRONZE, Olney, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As you get older you will learn that life is going to throw a lot of obstacles in your way, and you have got to learn to roll with the punches and cope with what happens to you. About four years ago my uncle Ron was diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctors were not able to catch the cancer in time so he just kept getting worse and eventually passed away. Much like Helen Keller overcame not being able to communicate, I overcame the loss of my uncle.
Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When Helen was about two years old she got sick and went blind and deaf. The Kellers, hired Annie Sullivan to teach Helen. Annie was able to teach Helen trust, obedience, and language. By learning these things Helen overcame not being able to communicate.
Like Helen Keller I also had to overcome losing something. Ron and I were very close. I trusted him more than anyone, I knew I could tell him anything. After I lost him my whole world was flipped upside down. I knew that dwelling on that loss was not going to help me get over it so I talked with my family and friends and they helped me through it. If my family and friends had not been there for me I have no idea where I would be today.
Although Helens obstacles were different from mine they shared similarities. Both of our families supported us through everything we went through. Another thing Helen and I had in common was learning to put our trust into somebody. Helen Keller once said “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love becomes a part of us”. Helen lost her sight and hearing while I lost my uncle, but we are both still able to remember, even if it is just a little of what it was like to have those things.
Even though our struggles were different they were very similar. I learned from the struggles of Helen that whatever life throws at you, you can get through it if you try. What I learned from my experience was that even though you lost something extremely close to you, you should be thankful you had it at all, and to enjoy what you have while you have it. Even though you go through hard times in life you can always get through it if you try.

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