The Intolerant Bus Driver | Teen Ink

The Intolerant Bus Driver

December 8, 2014
By Anonymous

Sometimes people are put in situations that they aren’t sure how to react. Often times we regret how we handled the situation. I was in a situation before with a racist bus driver.

Riding to school on a big yellow bus everyone had to sit two to a seat. I was sitting in the back and in the front was this kid who was talking a lot. The bus driver kept asking him to be quiet but the boy spoke Spanish so he didn’t stop. He was a short Hispanic boy with brown eyes and hair; I’ll never forget his face because of the huge smile that was always displayed across it

When I looked up at the bus driver, he had a miserable look on his face. He was a very tall man that had a small mole on the right side of his chin, blonde hair and green eyes. After a few seconds, the bus driver yelled for the “beaner” to come to him. As the bus driver was writing him up, the other students on the bus were angry and shocked. A few kids were throwing things like paper, pencils, and erasers at him. The bus driver kicked everyone off the bus and we all went to class.

Parents were involved and I never saw the bus driver again. I do however, see the Hispanic boy who now speaks fluent English.

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