In the End, There is Faith | Teen Ink

In the End, There is Faith

January 27, 2015
By Kerrialexis BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Kerrialexis BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     Everyone has that one thing that means the most to them. Some people value material things, others value things like family and friends. I value something that has a much longer span than anything else. The thing that matters most to me is my faith. My faith is the most important thing in my life because it is the thing that helps me keep hope, when I'm stressed it calms me down, and may faith is the only thing that will matter in the end.
      The first reason my faith is the most important thing in my life because it keeps my hope alive. Sometimes I get angry and feel like the negativity will never go away. That feeling goes away when I read scripture form the bible. When I read about situations like Moses bringing the Israelites from their miserable lives of slavery into freedom it makes me feel better. It makes me feel like if they could surpass a life of slavery, then I could get over one bad day.
     The second reason the most important thing in my life is my faith is because when I stress it calms me down. There is nothing that will make me more upset than a stress filled day at school and work. That's why when I go home after a stressful day I turn on my radio and tune to the Christian contemporary station. As I listen to the person sing there praises to God I am reminded how blessed I really am. Just like that my stress seems to melt away until there is nothing but me and my God.

     The third reason faith is the most important thing in my life is because I know that my faith is the only thing that will matter in the end. There are many material things that I have or would like to have. That will never change until the day that I die, but I don't greatly value them because someday they will not matter. I know that in the end material things will never be more important than my faith and my God. Those two things are all that will matter when the judgement day comes so I hold them as the most important thing in my life.
     I value many, many things in this world, like others. Some people values family and friends. Some value money and material things. The thing that will always be most important to me is my faith. My faith is most important to me because it gives me hope, helps me through tough days, and is the only thing that will matter in the end.

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