From Mother To Son: A Letter | Teen Ink

From Mother To Son: A Letter

February 27, 2015
By Kaity0421 GOLD, Windsor, Connecticut
Kaity0421 GOLD, Windsor, Connecticut
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The show's gotta go all over the place... or something...." - Finn Hudson

Dearest Cory,
I have no idea how long it will be until I see you or you get this, but please know that everything you ever need to know is in this letter.

First please know that I love you very much. You are my earth, sun, moon, sky, water, stars, my everything. and I would give anything to see you and hold you, my precious angel. I have loved you for years. but only recently were you finally brought to me. But then some supernatural force tore you from my arms. Please know that I would give anything and everything to see you and hold you and be near you. I know that you are blessing all the angels in heaven with your lovely smile, and that they are so lucky to have you. Stay perfect, and please keep yourself out of trouble. I will be there soon enough, and we can be angels together, and live our happy angel lives. But until then, we will have to be patient and I will think of you often, if not always.

I also want you to know that your father loves you just as much as I do, if not more. Although he did not show it at first, he does. You are his first and only son, and he is in the same boat I am, that we both would have loved to see you grow and thrive and become the wonderful human being you were meant to be.

Please do not fret young one, because you are too special to be forgotten. You will forever remain in my heart, and you will always be part of my soul. Please do not cry, because I am not there to dry your little eyes. I know you see me cry, but that does not mean you should cry as well. My tears will subside after time, because I’ll have people to lift me up and make me feel better. But you do not have that yet. You are so young, and cannot make many connections just yet. But the longer you are in your new home, the more people you are bound to meet, and you will grace them all with your beautiful smile. Please smile, all the time, so that mommy and daddy can smile with you.

I feel like I have said this so many times, but I love you, so much. You are my everything, and I miss you so much. I wish you so much happiness and I hope that I may be blessed with the chance of meeting you someday. Please remember that you are everything to me, my baby. And even though we cannot be together just yet, or at all, I always have you in my heart. My sweet Cory, sleep peacefully, until I can come to you.

      With everlasting love,

The author's comments:

A piece for my class, based off of a real event

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