What I Love | Teen Ink

What I Love

March 23, 2015
By Willie360X BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Willie360X BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What I love is the cool summer breeze rushing over me as I relax on a bench at Auglaize Golf Course.  I love how I walk twenty-seven holes in one day and still feel refreshed and ready to take on twenty-seven more holes just because of the wind.  I love the feel of an adrenaline rush as I am up to the plate on a baseball field and my team is down.  I love the feeling knowing that what happens next is all up to me.  I can whiff it and end the game and look silly, or I can be the hero and smack the ball with everything I have.  That pushes me foreword to win and drive myself to improve myself not only for me, but also for my team.  I love hanging out with the Eric, my friend who plays golf like me, except with more competiveness.  I love how it brings out the competitor inside me and makes me want to beat him so I can prove to everyone that I am better.  I love the satisfaction of seeing my effort going into something and it turns out to be positive for everyone and impacts lives positively as well.  I love the fact that my family always is supportive of me even when I may not act respectful towards them, and yet they respect me and push my dreams foreword.  I love how I can talk to them and get everything off my chest and sometimes get a crazy answer on what I should do, which in returns prompts me to rethink my question and forces me to come up with an even better solution to the problem that will ultimately be the one to solve my problem.

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