Haven | Teen Ink


April 13, 2015
By shmegvontimm BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
shmegvontimm BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

It is in his arms that I feel safe. It is in his arms that I feel whole.

Exactly one year ago is when it all began. He was sweet, funny, and, of course, charming. I was scared and nervous, and always tried to hide it. And the best part of it all… He liked me. Not only was I semi-obsessing over him in my head 24/7, but HE was the one that liked me when we barely even knew each other. Wow. ‘Someone actually likes me,’ I remember myself saying in my head over and over again. It was pretty thrilling for a girl whose longest relationship consisted of 4 unsure days. We talked and talked and talked in our 8th hour study hall, made jokes, told stories, even spilled a few secrets here and there. But, the cutest part of it all…… He didn’t actually have classes past 5th hour. He could have been home for 3 hours by now, but he always stayed, he always came to see me. And I couldn’t have been happier that he was there, everyday.

Time went on, we became really close friends. He was at my house almost every night. My dad liked him, my brother got along with him, and my mother thought we were in love, which we were, we just didn’t know it yet.
Half the summer went by, I could hardly go a day without seeing him. We always sat close, nudging each other’s hands, trying to give a clue. But, of course, we were both a little too nervous. Until, one day, it just happened. We reached for each other’s hand, and intertwined our fingers together. After that night, we always held hands and cuddled up close at night under a blanket with a good movie playing. It became routine. Until, you know, the night he kissed me.

Everyone has their own kissing stories. So everyone should know the drill by now: Boy leans in, couple kisses, girl gets butterflies, they fall in love. And I’m not going to lie, that’s exactly what happened with me. But it was so sincere, so reassuring. Before he did anything, he looked me right in the eye and told me how much he really does care about me and that he really likes me. He reassured me that he wasn’t just using me. Just him saying that gave me goosebumps, since every girl wants their man to spill his heart out to them. And I believed him. I really liked him too. I smiled, probably blushed a little. And then, he put his hand on my cheek, still looking in my eyes, and leaned in for a kiss. My heart melted. My mind went fuzzy. I felt like I was going to throw up --yeah, I know, that’s a new one. But I really did feel a little ill. But in a good way, if that even makes sense. The butterflies in my stomach were going absolutely crazy. It wasn’t your typical little butterfly fluttering, but millions! Millions of butterflies were viciously flapping  their wings like crazy. And, right then and there, I fell, plummeting into the depths of no return. There was no way out of this one. I was in love, and I liked it.
It wasn’t long before he asked me to be his girlfriend. “FINALLY!” I thought, with the biggest, cheesiest smile on my face. Since that day, I haven’t stopped smiling. Through the ups, and the downs, we have become stronger, loving each other more as the days pass by. The memories we’ve made together are irreplaceable, unforgettable. Just the thought of creating more memories with the man of my dreams sends chills up my spine and goosebumps down my arms, all with a cheesy smile plastered to my face. It’s the nights that we sit around, don’t go out, and just enjoy each other’s company that really stick in my mind. With nothing else to entertain us other than each other, I know we are perfect together. No matter what we are doing, where we are going, or where we end up, even if it is in the opposite direction of home, we always find a way to enjoy ourselves. With laughs, tears, and smiles, we have become a closer, stronger, and happier couple together.

He makes me the happiest girl on the planet. He is my rock when I find myself to be lost, my sunshine on a rainy day, and my angel that gives me wings to soar. With him by my side, I feel as if I am invincible, untouchable. He pushes me to be the greatest version of me, he supports every decision I make, he’s always there to listen, and always there to talk when I have nothing left to say. But, most importantly, he gives me more and more reasons to love him everyday. Everyday I am reminded that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. With his arms securely wrapped around me, I know I am home, and there is no other place on Earth that I’d rather be.

The author's comments:

Since she was a young girl, Megan has been in love with love, and now she is thrilled to share her own, personal story of love with the world. Megan lives in a small town in Wisconsin and is currently enrolled in an online educational course, Creative Writing, through Wisconsin Virtual School. Through her ups and downs in life she has become more knowledgeable about the world around her and feels as though her stories should be told. She is continuing to show her life through stories and is hoping to show the world that anything is possible

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 17 2015 at 10:09 am
shmegvontimm BRONZE, Baldwin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Thanks so much @Noctiluca ! That really means a lot to me. Thanks for reading:)

Noctiluca GOLD said...
on Apr. 17 2015 at 7:17 am
Noctiluca GOLD, Hyderabad, Other
10 articles 1 photo 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
"While some seek to find themselves, I shall seek to create myself."

okay...i am really shaky after reading this. it was really intense and full of emotion. LUCKY YOU!! ;D Absolutely loved it!!Keep writing.